Visit visa for females
By ttania_silva •
I am planning of visiting qatar in the next month for a 1 week and heard that its difficult for women to get visit visa's to Qatar. I wanted to get a visit visa or a GCC resident vist visa (I am a resident (expatriate) of Kuwait. Do you think I would face problems in order to get a vist visa?
Please help!
When I came here it was really easy to get my visa. When you check in at customs just tell them that you want a tourist visa. They will ask you where you are going to stay and then you have to pay 100 riyal. Be sure to have a credit card ready b/c you can't pay in cash. After that they will stamp your passport and you are good to stay there for a month. If you want to stay longer than that you come back at the end of you month (to the airport) and go to the Visa building and tell them you want to renew it. YOu will have to get some papers signed and then go and buy a "ticket" from Qatar Airways (300 riyal) and then go back to the visa building. It take like 20 minutes, but you will be good for another month.
Ok, hope that helped ya.
hi guys! im planning to go to qatar next week but im on visit visa here in dubai.. can someone tell me how to get a tourist visa there in qatar? what are the requirements? how long would it take if i apply for that visa? i don't have any relative there but i have friends who work there in doha. please, please, i need an answer from anyone the soonest possible time.. Shukran! Masalam! =)
Thanks for the info... I'm a doctor and the oppurtunities in Doha especially at HMC seem quite attractive so I wanted to check the place out. I have heard that HMC has a monopoly over the health system in Qatar and therefore they have quite a number of patients etc. So thought it might an intersting option. Does anyone here have any experience with HMC?
First of all i don't recommend u for such step. I was in both countries. Kuwiat is much better.
Anyhow, if u inssest. the easiest way through Qatar Airway.
You must be joking!
Give Kuwait a miss.
If you have a Kuwaiti Residence visa valid for 6 months, you can get a visa on arrival which is valid for 14 days..i am not sure if its extendable.
BTW ..why do you prefer to work in Qatar? Kuwait is equally good rite?