Jazeera English Staff Accomodation
By abouhashem •
hi all
Only one week and i will be in qatar..i will be working for Jazeera English.
I need some recent info about the Accomodation provided..
I will be more than gratefull for any info that can help...
"There are several media companies in Doha now. Production houses are opening too."
Please enlighten me ...
Let us know your grade, job title personal circumstance and I can tell you where and what you will be living in. Do it Via PM.
Congratulation's I know you have waited a very long time for your Visa, Did your wife get a Visa too?
Well done I bet you can't wait !! Welcome to Al Jazeera
There are several media companies in Doha now. Production houses are opening too.
At Jazeera or other media outlet
I work in media.
What do you do in Qatar
The villas are furnished. In that compound at least. Not sure where you'll be housed. Believe me they're saving you a big headache by providing housing.
what i am inquiring about is the furniture, the villas in general.
Many of their staff live in company-provided villas at the Faisaliyya compound. What did they tell you?