How To Open Bank Account?
I am moving to Doha next week and was told that I would need a residency visa to open a bank account there. The problem is, I would need to open an account as soon as possible, as I need to rent a flat and car and would need to pay rent by cheques. Can anyone advise on how to handle this problem? Any information would be really apppreciated. Thanks.
Thanks. It's good to know what to expect and that this will not be a problem. Thank goodness this forum exists!
And yes, I have some idea of the sky-high rental so it's not like I can just get a wad of cash and hand it over to the landlord. :-)
Yep. Thank god my accommodation's provided... I saw the rental rates and almost went through the roof.
rent is very high here
I had to laugh at that comment. However this poor person is asking a serious question.
Do you know the rent rates here?
If you did then the bank account would have been the least of your concern....ROFL
Hey champ, firstly welcome to doha...from wherever u r coming that is...
Second, ur company will assist u in opening a bank account...cos they need to put in ur salary take it easy...when u come down here...then get ur comp to do the stuff for u...they wud give u a letter confirming employment and ur salary details and stuff like that wud be req to open a a/c...
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