Cukup Tak?
By maisarah93 •
Salam, nak tanya kat otai2 di doha. Got offer @QR45k pm.All in. Rumah & sek bayar sendiri mau ingat la. Have 4 kids all schooling range(going to) Std 4, 5 Form 2 & 4 and plan to bawak sekali.
Dengaq rumah/aprtment 3/4 bilik min 10k unfurnish,check in internet sekolah mahal giler... berapa kena budget for school if all in british std?
can someone advise me shud I take the offer or not?
45k is a very VERY nice salary, but you have 4 children, that's what's going to cost you. However remember to divide school costs into semester payments.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
hi mas,
apa mereka kata ni betul belaka. kena kira kau kau kerana rumah sudah pun boleh set us back a lot.
ni belum lagi kira sekolah~u ada 4 lagi.
boleh tak beritahu kita sykt mana ni? with tat mungkin orang sini bole la bagi extra help / advice.
may b u bole nego utk sekolah + rumah include dlm package + in return take a potong gaji la. mungkin ini bole save u byk lagi.
nak tanya sikit
1. company mana ni
2. flight home dia bayar tak
3. kalau sekolah bayar sendiri - tak payah datang lah - nak bayar tambang bas lagi. dah lah sekolah susah nak register - kena que, kalau oil & gas company yang dibawah ni fully paid by employer
a. rumah
b sekolah - 4 org (inclusive tambang bas)
c medical - all
You think 45k pm is
banyak..but do your sums
Rumah...wah 6 orang 18k
Sekolah 4 orang 3x4= 12k
kereta 2k
Makanan (1 bulan) 4k
Miscelaneous 3k
Jumlah 39k
leaving 6k for medical,emergencies, etc
Think you better not accept this. Unless housing and school fees is included.
housing here is expensive so is better if the employer can provide that as well as kids education (which is also not cheap) especially since you have 4 son who was in yr 11 his school fees is QR 42K a yr.cost of living here too has gone up. only thing here that is cheap is fuel 80cents(malaysian cents) a liter and cars are cheaper than in malaysia . so ya gotta do yr math and lotsa groundwork to see if it is worthwhile accepting the offer or not.but if housing and kids education is provided all the better- gl in yr decision
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......