I need to marry a Muslim gal.. but am a non-muslim,,

By yesbody

I need to marry a Muslim gal.. but am a non-muslim,,,,,

Am ready to get converted to muslim bcoz she is that much worth in ma life... Please suggest the procedures to convert...

By luvexorcist• 10 Mar 2009 07:39
Rating: 3/5

yesbody even if u do convert to Islam will u be able to do full justice to it? i am sure u want to convert just because u love her and you will DEFINITELY turn back back to ur own religion once u get her cos its hardwired in ur brain because of the faith u were bought up with. Allah will not forgive you if u do such a sin.why do u want to incur His wrath? i suggest u think over it and if u do convert to Islam stick faithfully to it or else marry the girl in whichever religion u r.intercaste marriages happen a lot in this world so dont worry.

By GodFather.• 10 Mar 2009 07:01
Rating: 4/5

You need to chnage religion for urself not for her. Think about it. Really is that what you want. It is not an easy to be a true Muslim. It takes dedication and not easy to stay away from sins nowadays..

By trio• 10 Mar 2009 05:29
Rating: 4/5


yep,agree that just 4 a girl or just 4 a boy whoever the idea comes to me so unrealistic,sarcastic n artificial.actually should be just for the creator and for himself(author of the topic)if he really knows the meaning of religion.He loves her as he said but even he does not have a single idea abt her religion.

your succestion is not a valid one since its not allowed in Islam . a woman can not get marry with a non-muslim guy unless he is converted.I Just like to underline of it.

By leokool1• 10 Mar 2009 03:52
Rating: 4/5


Allah (swt) says:

(Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and beware (of evil): if you do turn back know you that it is our messenger�s duty to convey (the Message) in the clearest manner.) [Qur�an 5:92]

While Allah makes it very clear that there is no compulsion in religion for truth stands out clear, he orders Muslim believers to perform Da�wah (to invite people to Islam) in order to lead mankind to the true and perfect religion.

(Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: they are the ones to attain felicity.) [Qur�an 3:104]

(Invite (all) to the way of your Rabb (i.e., Islam) with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for your Rabb knows best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance.) [Qur�an 6:125]

In addition to the Qur�anic injunctions to perform Da�wah, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also enjoins Muslims to invite others to Islam.

Abu Bakr, God bless him, narrated that the Prophet (pbuh)said:

�It is incumbent upon those who are present to convey this message (of mine) to those who are absent. May be that some of those to whom it will be conveyed will understand it better than those who have actually heard it.� [Bukh�ri 5/688, 1/67 and 2/797]

Also, Abdullah Bin Amr narrated that the Prophet (pbuh) said:

�Convey (my teachings) to the people even if it were a single verse...� (Bukh�ri 4/667)

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) not only encourages Muslims to seek knowledge in order to convey Islam to others but also invokes prayer for those who teach and transmit Islamic knowledge to others.

Abdullah Ibn Mas�ud narrated that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:

�May Allah be well pleased with the servant who heard our words, remembered them, retained them well and then passed them on to others. How many scholars are there who are the scholars of religion without having an understanding of it, and how many scholars of religion are there who convey knowledge to those who are well versed compared with them. There are three things on account of which no rancor enters a Muslim heart: the sincerity of purpose for Allah�s sake, seeking goodness for the Muslims and adhering to their main body (jama'ah), for their prayers encompass them all round.� (Tirmidhi 228)

Allah will reward Muslims prosperous lives if they perform Da�wah for his sake. Allah, the Merciful, not only commends those who call others to Islam, but subsequently promises unlimited rewards to them.

(Who is better in speech than one who calls (men) to Allah, works righteousness, and says, �I am one of the Muslims?) [Qur�an 41:33]

(And he who brings the Truth and he who confirms (and supports) it�such are the men who do right. They shall have all that they wish for, with their God. Such is the reward of those who do good: so that Allah will remit from them (even) the worst in their deeds and give them their reward according to the best of what they have done.) [Qur�an 39:35]


By nali10• 7 Mar 2009 17:48
Rating: 4/5

i knew somebody who has the same case with you i mean he converted because his gf is a muslim. now, ask yourself first yourself- is really your heart in it ( converting into islam) or you are just pressured of doing it otherwise you will loose her? its not easy to embrace something that you really dont want by heart. its not just like a food that if you dont like the taste then you can throw it out. Islam means complete submission of yourself into Allah`s will.... think million times before doing something... If you really mean to convert into our religion then we welcome you by all our hearts...

By vikey• 7 Mar 2009 10:47

i thnk u only feel that she is worth in ur life thatz the rons ur trying to CONVERT UR RELIGION... LOL

By sunset244• 7 Mar 2009 08:41
Rating: 4/5

hello, listen well, ur mind must work well too, learn Islam first, think wisely, u love her its ok, thats great, but when getting married, love by time slows down, its normal,

Islam is good for any human being, but think that u r going to change ur religion, ur family, her family, think in every point,

LOVE is v nice feeling,

needs support from all sides so think in every point be4 time is out,

seems u r young, but this is not a problem, take ur parents advice, also talk to her parents, if it is ok , then hope u a pleasent life. my regards

By Janardhan• 7 Mar 2009 08:37
Rating: 5/5

Hi. Respect religious beliefs. Convert to Islam and get married.

Good luck

By andre_smarti12345• 7 Mar 2009 08:05

u will loose ur religion 4 an ass ..dummi..

By andre_smarti12345• 7 Mar 2009 08:03

i just want 2 ask u one question ..how long u know her ..? absolutly less than ur days in your relegion..so i think u r doing a big mistake ..dont go into troubles ..u will never live with her due 2 your difference ..think about ur kids ..what will be thier religion ..?think ..and pray ..whatever u r ...just think ..dont do mistakes others did be4 ..

By sahilm79• 7 Mar 2009 08:03
Rating: 5/5

So, you want to convert to Islam and become a Muslim. You will be joining the world's second largest religion. Islam means "submission," and Muslim means "one who submits to God." The religion encompasses a wide range of practices. All Muslims are required to observe the five pillars of Islam, which are testimony, ritual prayer, alms-giving, fasting during the month of Ramadan and Hajj or pilgrimage.



Accept fully the basic tenets of Islam. These are: God is One; The Holy Prophet, Muhammad, is His true and final messenger; the Holy Qur'an revealed to Muhammad is the last divine book; after death comes eternal life when a person will face the consequences of their actions; the contents of the Qur'an are absolute and unambiguous.


Pronounce the testimony of the Islam faith, or "Shahada." Recite, "I bear witness that there is no God but Allah. I bear witness that Muhammad, Salla-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, is His slave and messenger. I have believed in Allah and His angels and His book (as they were originally revealed on His prophets) and in His messengers and in the Last Day and in the fact that all the good and bad destinies come from Allah and in being raised alive after death."


Free yourself from any beliefs that are not compatible with Islamic faith. For example, a Christian convert must reject the belief that Jesus Christ is the son of God or part of the Holy Trinity.


Take a symbolic bath or shower to purify yourself from your former life.


Apply the rules of Islam into your daily life. This means observing the five pillars of the faith.


Obtain a certificate of Islam. To convert to the religion of Islam is not a formal process. However, a certificate will be necessary when you wish to become married or go to a pilgrimage.

>>>>GO TO FANAAR they will give you the proper directions....

Before you convert study what is Islam and Quran...

Not only for a Girl...

By Majnoon Ajnabi• 7 Mar 2009 08:01
Majnoon Ajnabi

First thing...you are an idiot. You obviously do not want to convert too badly or you would already know.

I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah, and I bear witness that Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah.

That's the answer.

For you folks that talk about feeling love and must understand the religion first before converting etc...how does a new born do this?

By anonymous• 7 Mar 2009 07:45

First of all Congratulations :)

And you can go to Fanar ok

Cheers !!!

By the-birdie• 7 Mar 2009 07:32

I read yesbody's intention to convert, with much amusement... congratulations

but i cannot agree with what vmakunhi says about attaining paradise only thru conversion. I dont know what is the present religion of yesbody. but I am sure all relgion tells the same abot doing good for mankind.

( I have never met a religion saying TO DO BAD !!!! )

I also sympathise with yesbodys so-called dedication !!

Is it because whether he has studied the good teachings of Hadith/Quran ...or just because of his romantic entanglemnt with a girl ?

Instead of this girl, if he had seen a beatuiful Jewish girl, he could have converted to that religon. His intention was not to learn about Islam, but to get this girl "somehow"

By chmarkh1981• 7 Mar 2009 04:19
Rating: 5/5




By anonymous• 7 Mar 2009 03:20
Rating: 5/5

When we buy a machine from the market, we need to have it's instruction manual in order to make it work. Similarily God has given an instruction manual for the human beings, a Miracle in it self, the Quran, which calls it's reader to pinpoint a single contradiction in it, if one does not believe in it's authenticity.

Just by name conversion or tongue confession a person does not become a muslim. The word muslim means 'a person who acquires peace by submitting his will to God'

I would request you to read the Quran, don't look at the media.. they have their reasons to maline Islam, I am sure God willingly you will find Islam worth accepting as the truth, and may God Bless you with the girl of your dreams..

By SolidSnake9• 7 Mar 2009 02:16

Love the religion first before the girl...

By anonymous• 7 Mar 2009 01:48

Dear yesbody... You told that gal is that much important in your life. But you didn't say that you both in love? Or all these are only your imaginations?? sorry if I asked anything wrong.

By bleu• 7 Mar 2009 01:39
Rating: 4/5

Choosing your religion should not be something you do just to marry a woman.

You should know a lot more about the religion, then commit to it fully, being a Muslim on paper is not worth it, and you will never be accepted by the woman or her family.

By fubar• 7 Mar 2009 01:38

Just pretend that you care about the religion long enough to get her in the sack. No one will know.

Once you're married you don't have to worry about religion anymore.

By fubar• 7 Mar 2009 01:38

Just pretend that you care about the religion long enough to get her in the sack. No one will know.

Once you're married you don't have to worry about religion anymore.

By campbell_09• 7 Mar 2009 01:33

U Wanna change your religion, ur prayers , Just for a girl???

If your that dedicated , marry her with wich religion ur now!

By nadiafromlebanon• 7 Mar 2009 00:45
Rating: 5/5


By SolidSnake9• 7 Mar 2009 00:33
Rating: 4/5


By anonymous• 7 Mar 2009 00:31
Rating: 5/5

Go to Qatar Islamic Cultural Center.

They will give you proper guidance

By singleguy• 7 Mar 2009 00:27
Rating: 5/5

Sorry to put a damper on it but if you want to be a Muslim it must be because you believe in the teachings of Islam NOT because you want to marry someone. Your belief must come from the heart and it must be genuine and sincere. Anything else is a deception and not acceptable. Also Muslim women are not allowed to marry non-Muslim men because the children will be taken away from Islam and more likely to adopt the father's religion or lack of religion. These are not my opinions but the actual facts of the matter.

By Yehya• 7 Mar 2009 00:27
Rating: 5/5

Ofcourse you can do that, But after you became muslim

By vmakunhi• 7 Mar 2009 00:20
Rating: 5/5

Anyway, Thanks to almighty Allah for making reasons to step into the noble relegion in Islam that promises paradise for the successfull man in Islam and the hell for the lost ones. May allah shower his blessings on you and accept your noble endevour even though it looks like firstly the convert is done for a material interest rather than the formal objective i have envisaged above.

The easy way is to approach Alfanar the spinner mosque situating in Old souk in Qatar, if you are living in Qatar and there are peple available to guide you to whole process to finalise the basic requirements without any difficulties. You can just approach them.

If you are an outsider, you can approach a Imam of Juma Masjid (Grand Mosque) in your city and tell them your intention and he will guide you and assist you to embrace the islam according to the procedure.

After this only you can marry a muslim girl. I strongly recommend you to ponder Quran, and just take the pearl and valueable feed back from this miraculous book to strengthen your faith too along with your change of relegion in order you to benefit it by your great intention. Once you accepted islam as your relegion, your previous sins if any will be abolished and you have to be a God fearing man asper Quran and Sunna, that is tradition of prophet Mohammed alaihissalam which leads you to enter paradise for sure. I wish you God speed, and hope I have explained to you in brief all what I can do it and witness allah in the same time along with prayer.

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