New immigration law penalties for Tourist visa out of status. Is it retroactive or only apply for new case?
By troubled mama •
My kids became out of status before the new immigration law came into effect. When I questioned my employer, they say that the new law was not retroactive. However, when I went to pay the penalties, I was unplesantly surprice that it was assessed based on the new maximum penalty. I have 3 kids that are affected so the amount is very high. Do I have any options at all? can someone help me please??????
go to captain and cry for him he hate to see tears your children can also cry out for him. good luck
And when you go speak with these Officers, be sure to take someone along that can speak Arabic. It always helps.
try to speak to a captin there, explain and if he dont lisen go to one steop higher than a captin till you find some one who listen and welling to help.