Horrible in- house Day Care at Matar Qadeem (Behind Qatar Airways Aviation building)?
Please Moms beware of child care facilities that are conducted at ones "HOME". To be honest I have no idea whether all |homely day care| are the same. However, my friend has had the most unfortunate incident in such a horrible day care. She sent her child to a day care in Matar Qadeem (near Qatar Air ways aviation) . Thankfully, she sent her kid just for 4Days out of which two days she accompanied her child. However, the last day when she washed her child out of habit, as soon as they got home, the child was crying with agony only for the mother to find out that there was a huge swollen bruise like scar across the childs right inner thigh. The panicked and heartbroken mom calls the incharge and she is been told that she had no idea how it happened. The kid was rushed to the pediatrician by a depressed mom to find out that it had been caused by a cloth abbrasion. the child wore a denim Jean that day, so it could have been that someone pinched her through the denim. The mom the incharge and asks for an explanation and all she gets is that the sitter was unaware how it happened. The child who doesnt have diaper rashes at all, also had a bad case of Diaper rash in a mere 2 days at the day care. Also, it is known that they give doses of Adol to kids who are upset and uncontrollable so that they fall asleep.
I dont know how this post will effect you people reading out there. But it felt like it was my duty to somehow pass on what happened so that another mother will not have to go through that agony. Please do not send your kids to some homely day care unless you have no other choice or the sitter is one of your own friends etc. Always, ALWAYS see to legalities and formalities in a day care AND monitor your kids behaviour cuz behavioural patterns can say alot.
You need to report it to the authorities, to find out if there is a serious case of child neglect going on.
moreover this is not your personal experience but you are narrating your friend's story and have taken the name of the teacher as well. Your friend needs to address this matter seriously.
there are many such day care facilities here, and they are cheap, they flourish because there are many parents who really cant afford expensive day care centre, and dont have a choice, but to send them to such schools.