Public Hospital Pediatrics MD's
To all Families,
Please be warned or take extra cautions when HMC doctors prescribe medicines to you or your babies and child I suggest you always read the instructions included in the medicine box.
My wife recently visit the hospital to consult my daughter throat issues the MD prescribe anti biotic but the dosage required by MD's is higher than the age of my child she carefully read the instruction and found out the dosage is to high for her age, she visit a private clinic to get second opinion the MD confirmed the dosage proscribe is wrong and to high.
Just a friendly advice always read instructions before taking any medicines to avoid any overdose or any health conflicts.
frankly... first of all.. not all the physicians know the doses properly... its the job of the pharmacist to calculate the doses...
secondly... the dose of antibiotics r not related to the age but with the weight of the patient... u can cross check with the weight...
believe it or not; m doctor gave me 10 months to live but when I couldn’t pay the bill, he gave me 10 months more.
Don’t you find it strange that doctors call what they do “practice”?