10 out of 10 - lol
never take it personally. You are perfect in God/Allah'...
you know this because.....................?
lets talk 'bout it tomorrow :)
So how do yr like...
I'm there my friend.. which room is mine?
hey u.. doin jus fine ta
No man, in this case...
~ your thoughts create your reality ~
I agree with Jaunts... you're as young the person you...
with this same picture was "How to crap in your wetsuit...
you're a dog
10 out of 10 - lol
never take it personally. You are perfect in God/Allah'...
you know this because.....................?
...lets talk 'bout it tomorrow :)
So how do yr like...
I'm there my friend.. which room is mine?
hey u.. doin jus fine ta
No man, in this case...
~ your thoughts create your reality ~
I agree with Jaunts... you're as young the person you...
with this same picture was "How to crap in your wetsuit...
you're a dog