only resorts to sexual connotations when he/she/it has...
only to small minds
~ your thoughts create your...
seems the thread is degenerating again... what did I...
you bring respect into play is when you think someone...
you don't know what the word respect means, as usual....
.. and religous institutions organise raffles in order...
Raffles are fundraisers, usually for charities - monies...
assumptions. Or is your personality Madam Rosa?
will take the hint
your second sentence says gambling as an incorrect...
only resorts to sexual connotations when he/she/it has...
only to small minds
~ your thoughts create your...
seems the thread is degenerating again... what did I...
you bring respect into play is when you think someone...
you don't know what the word respect means, as usual....
.. and religous institutions organise raffles in order...
Raffles are fundraisers, usually for charities - monies...
assumptions. Or is your personality Madam Rosa?
...will take the hint
~ your thoughts create your...
your second sentence says gambling as an incorrect...