Indian cultural centre is only teaching bharatnatayam...
she is teaching only bollywood dance..classical dance...
saudi is different world. no alcolhol, no women....
i had this problem when i was overweight...i control my...
its because govt office works for 6 hours in ramadan...
AGENCIES contacts:
1) Golden Man, sofitel 442-...
last year i was in saudi.many friends of mine who were...
only 2004 and above ,cars can be imported.
Indian cultural centre is only teaching bharatnatayam...
she is teaching only bollywood dance..classical dance...
saudi is different world. no alcolhol, no women.
i had this problem when i was overweight...i control my...
its because govt office works for 6 hours in ramadan...
AGENCIES contacts:
1) Golden Man, sofitel 442-...
last year i was in saudi.many friends of mine who were...
only 2004 and above ,cars can be imported.