thats a good one MJ- talk to the screen in front of u-...
hehehhehehhe i like this:)
"Ali Baba and 40...
Wassup with the last few posts?
rafsanjani, dont worry it'll be ok, make sure ur taking...
FS...good girl.
rafsanjani... join me? why?...
rafsanjani, she wont. So what are you going to do about...
ah well...yeah its funny:)
Alexa ur signature is kinda oxymoronic to what you just...
Well I donno, if I were to be in Alexa's shoes I'd...
Comon now guys I dont think Alexa has a grudge and i'm...
thats a good one MJ- talk to the screen in front of u-...
hehehhehehhe i like this:)
"Ali Baba and 40...
Wassup with the last few posts?
"Ali Baba and 40...
rafsanjani, dont worry it'll be ok, make sure ur taking...
FS...good girl.
rafsanjani... join me? why?...
rafsanjani, she wont. So what are you going to do about...
ah well...yeah its funny:)
"Ali Baba and 40...
Alexa ur signature is kinda oxymoronic to what you just...
Well I donno, if I were to be in Alexa's shoes I'd...
Comon now guys I dont think Alexa has a grudge and i'm...