Dont you think qatar drivers has lost their sense of Humor ?
Most of the drivers in qatar drive like monkeys. many of them doesnt respect the pedestrians. They rush like the earth gona fall. No proper behaviour on parking lots. Trying to high-jack someones parking. This attitude has increased since last two year. Someone need to create some awareness program. As expats we must respects Qatar's rules and regulation on driving. Soo much of accidents. The funny part is that the same rude driver when he goes to a european country he behave like the most professional driver on eath. why this hypocracy? why cant you be the same mr.nice guy in qatar. Driving is an art. But no one drives with a passion.We need to create some awareness program to all drivers to be patient and be nice to the other drivers. Why don't you guys think over on this serious issue. Atleast whomever read this note, please think over it. Do not try to show your attitude to others. Be a well deciplined safe driver. Please share your bad experiense on driving so that atleast people will come to know their mistakes.
Good luck
MM. pls think wise and put your inputs. Any normal driver will have atleast 1 mtr distance so that at any point of time you can avoid an accident, plus what such a hurry are you in a public road, its nothing but negligence, putting others in shit troubles. I'm sure she never had neither DL nor ID, thats why she fled the scene with the help of an Ind. idiot who was a security guard working in Hussain Fikri office building who helped her.
Plus lets forgive & forget ...................
May she returned back there after attending her important work & by the time you left that place so you can not blame her anymore ..................
Cox, May be you braked hard ...... what would she do if the car at front stops so suddenly ?
If she's a local , then you may be fighting a losing battle
Yes Brit, I took photos on the spot, she tried to cover her face, still I took, all produced to Matar gadeem muroor, lets wait & see the result in 3 days.
Did you take the number of the car
@Irshad, I agree with you. On thursday at 9am while I was coming out of service road in C ring road, a arab girl around 17/18 y/o hit my car rear side and she never had DL, refused to show ID card, did not show any sign of calling 999. To avoid traffic jam, I told, lets make way for others,
take your car away to parking lot, an indian security guard working in Hussain fikri building, helped her to vanish / escape taking some money from her. This is so stupid & irresponsible behaviour by young lady driver
who never respected the traffic law and putting innocents in trouble.
The problem is when one sees a fault at the front he does mistake from behind .........
One 3 years boy reported about his mom's drink / drive to the police few days back in the other part of the world { not in Qatar } .......... one has to take initiative in the same way ............
Why can't wives or husbands of bad drivers who sit besdies them .... point out to them then & there ...... ?
I always tell people to be nice & cool ..... give smile to yourself before to get to your car keys ........... talk to your car as if it's your pet or any dear one ..... ............... we need to soften our heart before we start driving our car ............. Irshad is right 100 % ......... Let's not show our bad attitude to the public .................. Irshad ......... thanks for making sincere efforts in the serious issue ............
The fault lies clearly with the drivers. They need to change their driving habits
If, according to the Traffic Department, 80% of all accidents are caused by drivers who are using a mobile phone while driving,then it becomes clear that 80% of the drivers ignore the laws and are too stupid to understand the consequences of their behavior. It's a common problem: people are idiots! They don't even realize that they are doing wrong.
Yea, as an Expat, I don't think we should be calling drivers in Qatar Monkeys. That's racist. You could convey your thoughts without the derogatory comments. As an American Expat, being in Qatar is a bitter-sweet deal, we love the tax-free shelter (Sweet), and dislike the congested traffic (Bitter). Have you been the United States lately? They shoot you on the Highways, its just not broadcasted on the news. So, from an American Expat count your blessing and watch your language.