Every six seconds someone is killed or maimed on the world’s roads. A young child dies every three minutes. Almost 90% of these injuries occur in low and middle income countries.
MAKE ROADS SAFE is the campaign for Global Road Safety.
3A Services has created a page on facebook for you to join and share your thoughts (3A Roadside Assistance - Qatar). It's a chance to take action and support.
Fried Unicorn: Ever tried comparing the Hindu-Muslim relationships pre and post 1758?(Battle of Plassey). Divide and rule was indeed a British policy (not absolving the Indians for falling for it). as for infrastructure, yes, they did bring in lots even if it was for their own administrative convenience.
The Raj did a lot of good, but what good it did wasnt really intentional but 'spilled over' is what I believe. They werent really dying to help Indians is what I mean.
On the other hand, remember the way they left? A partition which was 'more by a butcher's axe than a surgeon's scalpel' and with no consideration whatsoever about the millions who would be affected ...a nation abandoned with a hope (really) that they would 'fragment in less than 60 years' which would in turn validate Kipling's rant about the 'inscrutable decree of providence'.
The aim of this thread is to discus and contribute on how to MAKE ROADS SAFE. Join the F/B page and explain your issues. The discussion page wil lbe sent to the MAKE ROADS SAFE Campaign as a contribution. More steps will be taken shorlty.
Qataria78,erm...i think the issue under discussion is the manner in which your young(& not so young) brothers along with the arab/asian expats who blindly & stupidly follow them, drive on the roads & not the actual state of the roads...
As much and more than anyone else. I have a slightly different opinion than most in that I respect the sense of discipline that Britishers have in terms of administration. India was a golden bird not before the Britishers came but much before that. The imperialists haveno doubt exploited the resources but it was the britain who gave us our current democratic framework,the railways,a structured army,navy and airforce. Not to speak about the gift of english language which is propelling India's growth today. In the absence og the british catalyst,Indian Muslims and Hindus would have killed each other and the country.
This Might sound absurd and unconventional but it's true.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Jamestown, in honor of who?? The American king??
13 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, god save the queen
Dont quite see your point, at the time it was the 13 colonies revolting against the mother country (Britain), The United States of America as an entity did not even exist then.
read this
Who kicked the Brits out of America? It was Brits who kicked the Brits out of America.
thanks a lot for telling me
It was a gift remember..
thank god you acknowledge that you stole it (looted)
Lucky for us, the Golden Bird laid a beautiful egg known as the Koh-i-noor diamond...
A great gift from a grateful nation..
I haven't seen any traffic police since I have arrived in Doha. More traffic police presense is needed.
The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.
Malcolm X
Friedunicorn, i beg to differ from your viewpoint reg INDIA,
americans were the first to kick the brits our of their country, and i think they are not in medival times,infact they are better off than brits.
india was called the golden bird, and the colonial brits robbed us from our riches...............
They have better roads coz they pay taxes . So we hope qatar does the same for people who r not happy about our roads loool
Emulating the British ? Drunk Driving ? hmmmmm, Don't think So.
Having said that,I think there is some respect for order in the British society and if nationality has to do anything with road traffic, the way of the britishers would be worth emulating.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
FriedUnicorn, you are wrong as well. If the Brits had stayed away there would have been less Maniacs on the Roads from the Colonies. We are talking about Road Safety Here ! Aren't we ?
Brits colonized the world for better.Or most of these colonies would have been in the medivial times still. You might not agree but it's true. Look at the developments that have happened in India and South Africa
under the British. Left to themselves,god only knows where these countries would have been.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
FriedUnicorn, Brits should never have been allowed on the Roads outside their Tiny Island. Look at what they have done to their Colonies, they have ruined them and most of them still drive on the Wrong Side of the Road like the Brits.
The World Would have been a much better place without Brits.
I totally agree with you a flame ;) But yes,I think Britishers and their colonies have better traffic sense. lol
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
This is really one of my pet peeves about Qatar. We need more considerate people on the roads here. I hope the government will run continuous campaign on safe driving. It is amazing what is the rush about when everything else moves at a snail's pace.
This topic is really one of my pet peeves about Qatar. We need more considerate people on the roads here. I hope the government will run continuous campaign on safe driving. It is amazing what is the rush about when everything else moves at a snail's pace.
Britexpat, You are totally wrong, no one from the British Empire should ever have been allowed on the Roads. Without you it would have been much safer.
If only the target group would read and follows the rules and regulations. It should works.
Its a real worry. as I suggested earlier, only British and those from the colonies should be given licenses..[email protected]&init=quick#/group.php?gid=39035169190
A link would be nice!