Need help. Which nursery to choose Busy Bees or CESK?
By momcoming2qatar •
Hi All
We'll be moving from the US this Fall (2008/2009). I was wondering which one do you think is better for my 2 year old son. (Busy Bees or CESK).
By the way we only speak arabic at home but he's already picking up english words. We did the same with my older son (4.5) and he picked up english at Pre-school. He's comfortable using both and I'd like the same for my youngest.
Thanks a lot for your input.
thexonic .... wait till u have a child of your own, then you will knows more nursery
lol yea i read it... I was suggesting sun beam, cuz i dont know about the others and i wanted the points hehe
"Be Like a Flower, Which gives off it's fragrance
even to the hand that crushes it."
I am slightly biased (;-)) but my advice to you would be to get all the info. from not just these 2 but all the pre-schools in the area! Each one offers different things, ie hours, structure, curriculum. You know what sort of environment you want for your child better than anyone, and although recommendations are great, the decision is still on how you feel about each place. When are you coming to Doha? If it's after the beginning of Sept. the chances are alot of pre-schools will already be full! Please PM me and I can give you further info. on all the pre-schools in the area. Good Luck....
novi you sure sound like a
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
thexonic ... did u read the post properly??? The original poster wrote asking wether to choose CESK or Busy Bees. And you said Sun Beam.
If you do recommend Sun Beam you should give a clarification WHY ?
Choose Sun beam.
It's always the small things that make big differences.
Ive heard good reviews about both, but whichever you choose ring them and put your kids name on the list as some have long waiting lists..