Why there is no decent part time jobs for ladies here in Qatar or in Arbaic world ?I mean a job that helps mothers to develop their career and at the same time take care of thier families?
It is really a problem as I have a daughter who will join the school soon which means that she will leave school to home at about 1 o'clock
and my working hours is from 7 am to 4 pm and Iam working on saturdays .... so I have two options: first, bring a maid from a different country, language and religion to stay with my daughter.
second option is to leave my job which I like and destry my career for ever
and I hate these two options
if we have a decent part time jobs that will be the third nice option
egy_egy - Your statement; "in Arab world they always say that they are respect families more than the western world" is a stupid myth and just foolish brainwashing by the Arab world.
Perhaps the reason there are no part-time jobs for you is because the men don't WANT you to work. They control everything else you do, why not this?
yes I know translator, but in Arab world they always say that they are respect families more than the western world....taht's why Iam asking, I thought that part time jobs should be more here because of that reason
Job market follows demand and supply. The supply in this part of the world is unlimited. Why you offer a part time job when you can get a full time worker for the same low pay?
Please recognize that when you move to another country, things will be different, and you have to accept it.
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It is really a problem as I have a daughter who will join the school soon which means that she will leave school to home at about 1 o'clock
and my working hours is from 7 am to 4 pm and Iam working on saturdays .... so I have two options: first, bring a maid from a different country, language and religion to stay with my daughter.
second option is to leave my job which I like and destry my career for ever
and I hate these two options
if we have a decent part time jobs that will be the third nice option
maybe you are right but we still have a stronger family bonds that's why Iam asking as they respect family why they don't help us do both tasks
egy_egy - Your statement; "in Arab world they always say that they are respect families more than the western world" is a stupid myth and just foolish brainwashing by the Arab world.
Perhaps the reason there are no part-time jobs for you is because the men don't WANT you to work. They control everything else you do, why not this?
egy, my ex-colleague used to work as a part timer..
Few ads related to PART TIME do get advertise in the newspapers..
yes I know translator, but in Arab world they always say that they are respect families more than the western world....taht's why Iam asking, I thought that part time jobs should be more here because of that reason
Job market follows demand and supply. The supply in this part of the world is unlimited. Why you offer a part time job when you can get a full time worker for the same low pay?
Please recognize that when you move to another country, things will be different, and you have to accept it.