QP Pay School Fees
By xpatadventure •
We were told that QP is no longer pay for school fees directly. We need to submit school expenses for reimbursement. The question is will QP pays for admission fee, registration fee, and capital fee on top of tuition fee? Or just tuition fee only?
Thank you so much Roots. It's good to know that our advance school fees will eventually paid for.
I think QP supports both, as per my experience. But QP will not pay if the tuition fees exceed any amonunt than that of your community school. QP will
pay for (one time)admission fee, registration fee, and capital fee on top of tuition fee. But I am not sure if it depends on the seniority!! As you know QP has Senior staff and Employee Level Staff. For peace of mind, you can call and ask someone at HR .
Good luck!
was it QP HR?? or somebody told you that they heard QP will not pay??
Better go to QP HR dept and they'll deal with you and any other "internal policies-guidelines" issues.
If it was an official decision then is done...once again QP is the best option to ask this question.
Unfortunately the public forum is empty handed to give you a response.