By Sindbad in LoVe •
A women wrote: Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at "funerals".
do what i do guys and believe me they won't ask again. Right after I graduated from university, I was sitting with my mom and dad over the dining table, and she goes: so, now that you got your degree, you can now work, make money, buy a house, have a god job and get married. Right then and there I gave them a short, very profound speach with a deep voice and it worked,ahaha: I said: mom, people make choices in their lives, and its not everyone's life mission to go through the path of life and follow the crowd, you and dad have obviously made indiviual dicisions to live a married life,right? she said yes ( being the openminded mom that she is...) so I said: so Im CHOOSING to stay a bachelor, just as you had a chance to CHOOSE to get married, let me exercise my right to CHOOSE to stay a bachelor. I swear, she didnt know where that came from? she was like: ok son, as long as you're happy with your life, I said, Yes I am ,thnx mom and that was it....It really works.
just tell them 'bugger off' :P
ahhhh I'm suffering from that issue, but not only from old ladies, everyone around me; my family, collegeus, friends and even the office boys want me to get married.....ahhh am sick of it, I WANNA REMAIN SINGLE PEOPLE SO BACK OFF....the problem is when u are not married people will think that you are either a miser, gay or don't have it ...not very nice labels :)))))
made me giggle - we keep getting the " when you having kids " nudge! I should try this out!
exactly, you want to make sure this is the right one because you don't want divorce someday. And tell them you still having fun by stay single, but time will come and they will the first to know/invite to your wedding. And keep smiling.
I think nothing can stop such pretty issues... " getting married" is really a decade "EXCITING" issue.
It's the whims of the oldies so dont get dissapointed when they ask you. Just tell them you are not yet ready or you are still happy with your life as a single and they'll understand..
Also it's their hapiness to find that another marriage to means, another child and another laugh... another party *wink* hehee
The best thing to do is NOT to mingle with them >>>??? don't come for any wedding I right??
i think i start following ur thread, ehe heeeeee