Any good dental physician in Doha ?
I have a dental pain . I have gone to few doctors here but they could not fix it . They are more interested about bigger insurance claim ( like cleaning, flossing , root canal etc ) and their share for further treatment . They have given me many anti-biotics but no effect . I am really frustated and don't know whom to go ( I am new in Qatar ). Can you please advice some good doctors so that I will ask only for the remedy from my tooth pain. I went to Appollo, future etc.
sorry, i did not read your question well, carcrazy is right. they cannot help you if you wont trust them. antibiotics is just a temporary remedy for any dental pain. they should correct the problem from its source.
what treatment did they perform? or just all antibiotics?
Please don't be prejudiced about doctors. Your doctor seem to have advised some kind of treatment and it looks as though u have refused that line of treatment. Now, you are complaining that the pain is not relieved. No dental pain will ever go away with "antibiotics" alone. So..please listen to your doctor and follow the treatment plan that he has advised. If your pain is not going away even after the advised treatment, then you can start complaining. any dentist...but follow his treatment plan. There are a lot of dentists in Doha. Meet any one of ur choice. All r licensed by the Supreme Council of Health after evaluating their degrees and training.