Palestine, beloved country
Oh Palestine my stolen country. Stolen? yes, stolen and occupied by the British who gave it as a persent to Izaq Hertzel, the founder of the Zionist movement, who with the support of Britain and Allied countries help the establishment of Israel on our beloved land of Palestine, and foced millions of Arab/Muslim palestinians to leave their home land, their lands, trees, lakes, streets, mountains and spring or will be killed by the Hagana gangs.
I miss my small town west of Nablus where I was born and lived happily for 7 years before I and others had to leave our home running for safety after our village and whole Palestine was occupied by the Israeli heavily armed forces.
I long to see our water well, our chicken hen, our trees around the house, our neighbouring flowers which I stiall can smell their marvelous perfume...
I miss the wind, the breeze, the rain of my home country. I miss the folowers, the thorns and spines which I had to pick out of my small feet.
I miss Jerusalem, the Al-Aqsa mosque which I never see because I was small when I left Palestine to Jordan.
I miss every single city, town or pice of soil in our holey land "Palestine" but we will return.
We will never forget you Palestine and will teach your love and sacrifice to our unborn children .. in our genes and it is true... Palestinians are born with your LOVE
you desperately need to go to Palestine, at least for a vacation for now ;-)