Authorities invite applications for license to mobile vendors
If you have travelled to Europe or the Americas, one of the common sights that greet you outdoors will be food trucks, selling a variety of tasty items.
If things go well, Qatar’s residents could soon see some of them on public places.
The Ministry of Economy and Commerce has invited applications for licensing 12 vehicle vendors in businesses like eatery, ice-cream parlor, tyre repair and beauty salon, reported The Peninsula.
While five licenses will be granted for food-related businesses, four licenses will be related to repairing tyres and other home maintenance. Three licenses for beauty salons and tailoring shops are up for grabs.
Vendor vehicles will be used to provide service or sell goods at roadsides.
The move to license vendor vehicles is expected to support the private sector in creating business opportunities.
To obtain a licence for vendor vehicle, the applicant should have a commercial registration (CR), road permit from Traffic Department and health certificates for workers from the Ministry of Public Health.
Vehicle eateries should be equipped with a proper fire detection system powered with battery, fire blanket, fire extinguisher as the requirements to obtain approval from Civil Defense.
Eateries also need approval from the Ministry of Municipality and Environment for related to hygiene.
Applications will be received from January 1 to February 1, 2017. The winners will be announced on February 8, 2017.
Licensed vendors can do only one type of business and should comply with traffic rules at all times. They should not function outside entrance and exit of schools, hospitals, mosques etc. Mobile vendors should also keep a distance of at least 50M from shops doing the same type of business.
I love the idea of food trucks
That's not how it work Brit. The Vendor vehicle will swallow you, change your tire then spit you out on the road. and all happens on the move.
Doesn't that sound amazing?
This is a good move . I will use daily
"Vendor vehicles will keep moving on the road, either self propelled or tugged by other vehicles" - Isn't it going to be difficult to buy things or change tyres from a moving vehicle ?