Australian Visa - please help me.
I am a s staff nurse currently working in Doha. I would like to work in Australia. What's the procedure for registration in Aus. Recently i registered to an agency through online and they asked me to give my credit card number. Is it necessary to give credit card number for Australian registration . Please advise me friends.. thanks.
There is very good chance that you will get Australian visa as a Nurse.
This site will guide you well. You don't need any agents help. You contact the relevant authority in Australia. They will guide you if needed.
I have done all by myself. Its easy.
Contact me if you need any help. I shall help you & its of course free of cost.
Dangerous place is Australia like south Africa. You try UK will get visa for nurse and good fascility.
Don't even think about giving your bank details or credit card number..
Visit to following Australia immigration page for the Visa Options for Nurses