Entrepreneur Spotlight: WatWet CEO
Two years before Twitter exploded onto the scene, a young Arab entrepreneur had a dream: an Arabic website that uses micro-blogging to connect Arab users, blending the personal features of blogging with the easy access features of SMS to extend online relationships further.
From this initial idea, Kareem Arafat created WatWet (www.watwet.com), an Arabic-first website that functions much like Twitter, but that caters to the Arab world and now has more than 25,000 users. Like Twitter, users share their thoughts via micro-blog posts in 140 characters or less.
Read ictQATAR's latest profile feature with Kareem Arafat and know more about how WatWet maintains its uniqueness in today's Web 2.0 world:
Micro blogging is much more interesting to read than the boring long blogs..Free sms blogging sounds good...
Is 'watwet' an arabic word?