Senior Procurement Officer
A short message:
With the recent announcement of being able to own free hold properties (99 yrs) other than Pearl, West Bay and Lusail. We have 18 areas that we can purchase land and register this land in our own names without having a sponsor, which then the municipality department will allow us to have a commercial registration on that land, which we can re-sell, rent, mortgage and build thus allowing us to deploy our investment as we please. It will also allow us to have a 99 year permanent visa in this country. We are liable to all the laws of Qatar as in the case of any other owners or real estate agents..
In the event we purchase a land for an x amount and we want to re-sell that particular land say after two years to someone else, the person buying that land can only purchase it for 97 years. Isn't that an interesting parameter...??? hhhmmmm... something that most of us are unaware about. Another interesting part is the concept of freehold is only for 99 years, at which time we will have to hand that land back to the government, so if some of us are thinking oh this land is ours forever.. that we can pass it on for generations to come then please think again...
Eventhough we get a Commercial Registration License for the Land we are not allowed to have any other sort of activities in that commercial license. Some of you might be business people and if you think that you can conduct other activites in this commercial license then you will be highly disappointed... By purchasing this land you have the permission to do whatsoever within the land, but not when conducting any other activities.
With this said here is my proposal:
I have an investment opportunity for you.. I know i'm not going to be alive for the next 99 yrs so these rules don't bother me at i'm an expatriate like yourself and my home is elsewhere..
I have found several lands and building that we can purchase within these areas that are affordable.
For example I have found a land in the Muglina Area 430 square meters with permission to build a 5 floor residential building (which comes under one of the freehold areas) which is for sale. The price of the land is 9 Million Riyals I'm looking for an investor who can partner with me to purchase and develop the land.. and then give it out on rent at an affordable price.
Like this i have with me in several areas within the freehold parameters at prices that vary. If anyone is interested u can contact me on my e-mail [email protected] to further discuss this partnership.