Anyone else seeing this advert for the Church of Scientology at the top of the QL page? When I clicked the ad it goes to a google ad but is this ad a QL ad? If so would anyone find it strange that a Qatar website is advertising a religion other than Islam? Not that I am bothered, I think freedom of religion is a wonderful thing but as most of us know Qatars policy on such things I found this amusing.
Alexa!!! That is sacrlegious.... Bob the Builder is somewhat of a following in our house, along with Thomas the Tank engine. That Fat Controller is a card. ____________________________________________________
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
Alexa it is Postman Pat? lol Not Pat the Postman, if you said that to my little daughter she would be lost....
Is this similar to the Three Masons Club? I am personally more interested in the Kabbalah...
+*+what is that all about+*+
Yes.. I have it on good authority from Ken , who met him at Barbie's barmitzwah..
What about the Teletubbies? Is Tinky-winky really gay?
Agree, Barney somehow irritates the bejeebers out of me..can't stand the whatever-he-is.
Damn those Harry Potter books, I have had to take my son to ER 3 times as he tries to run through brick walls to get to Hogwarts.....
Come one, as parents we all know the only true evil is Barney.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
Why would anyone be concerned about their children pursuing 'magik' unless they feared that it was real??
In a similiar sense, you'd only worry about your children hunting fairies at the bottom of the garden if you were concerned that they may eventually find them.
I think I can say without fear of serious contradiction, magik is make believe. There isn't really a place called Hogwarts, magik wands are just bits of wood and broomsticks will never compete with Qatar Airways in the commercial aviation sector.
Yes, damn those Harry Potter books. I know so many 5 year olds that have become avid Satanists because of them. :P
Do you think magik is real?
fefee....your Aunt's reaction is the very same I get......whenever I see Kids with Harry Potter books....
HP books are cleverly cloaked books on Magik .....sending kids searching into the dark world of Magik and Satanism.
The stress test is a lie detector ...
The theory is that when you lie or try to hide something that is unpleasent it puts some extra stress on your brain and that shows on the device.
How is your relationship with your parents?
How is your relationship with your spouse?
....they use that to try to extract information on things you will never tell anybody...your hidden secrets.
The questions they ask would go deeper every next step.
Then they promise to make you stress-free or "clear you"
The worst thing is that one has to pay to learn anything and then move up the ladder....similar to multi-level marketing.
diamon, same thing happend to me in bern. mostly in the summer they will stand at the busiest point of the city and asking people to do this so-called stress test.
i also did the test you did, and my result? ofcourse, my life is full of stress he said. now here is a book and DVD, buy it for CHF29.90. no i dont need it, i said. but he kept on and on telling me its really good try it, it will help you and bla bla bla. ok here is CHF30.- and i took the book the time i didt know about this scintology crab.
luckly for me, my aunt came to visit and saw the book on my desk, and she screamed, what are you doing with this? she asked. oh, this is a really good book, it could help you out of your daily stress and bla-bla, i told her.
oH my god, please do me a favor and get raid of this ugly book right now, if not you will get your self in to a deep life time problem, she screamed! thanks god for her i didt get in to it.
action speaks louder than words
The context sensitive ads sometimes go awry - it's not uncommon to be reading an article about a plane crash on a news website, only to find an ad for Emirates midway through...
Funnily enough I do know a celebrity Scientologist but he has never ever brought up religion with me.
Sounds like a script "Mission Impossible 4 - the conversion of diamond" , starring Tom cruise ofcourse .
using Firefox then install the Adblock extension.
Restart Firefox to complete Adblock’s installation.
Go to the Tools > Extensions menu, highlight Adblock, and click the Options button.
In the New Filter: input box, paste this: http://**
Ensure that in the Adblock preferences window, it is set to Remove ads, not Hide ads.
Never see another Google ad!
Unknown resource
oh well its here
I just tell them all that I'm quite content with my life as a devil worshipper, and I simply can't go a day without making a blood sacrfice then I ask if they would like to come in for a cup of tea.
Somehow we don't seem to have any 'reluctance' problems with our various 'evangelists' who post on QL ;)
LOL, Diamond, I had a similar experience with Jehova witnesses in Toronto. A woman called me up asking me if she could drop off some books, I kept pressing her to tell me what organization she was from and she kept dodging me. I figured it out when I saw the books she left in my mailbox.
My neighbor said a sure-fire way to get rid of them is to answer your door naked.... not sure as i could never bring myself to try out the theory.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
I would LOVE to have seen your reaction when they told you, you were seriously defective!! I think they would have been walking on their knees due to you having taken them off around that area...
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.
-Mark Twain-
fubar is right - the ads are content-sensitive, so they are related to what's written on the page. Obviously this produces some nice quirks as Amoud pointed out!
I had a funny experience with Scientologists who regularly are on the beat on the streets of Geneva...I used to walk the same route at roughly the same time every day and they tried and tried to talk me into doing one of their personality tests where they tell you that you are seriously defective and in need of counselling and that you ought to read their leaders book 'Dianetics' all their attempts they never once mentioned that they were Scientologists until I insisted they tell me the organisation they were working for. They very reluctantly made a passing reference to it.
Only on QL.... You can open a thread about people being deported for non-islamic religious antics right under an advert for the Church of Scientology :)
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
I think the google ads scan the text on the page and generate an ad that they think is relevant to the page.
So on a children's site you're likely to get ads for Disney or similar.
Since so many QL threads have references to religion, google sees fit to put a Scientology ad there.
Without the ads, would there be QL?
any ad on my QL page why so?
lol - no, it's definitely not a QL ad.
All hail Xenu!
This is what I thought Gypsy, but QL has to enable the ads right? Seeing as though the ads are dating and now this one I would think at least some of the content could be moderated?
In this logic, if google ads pastes up whatever they want would it be alright to have dating ads on childrens sites?
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
It's a google ad so QL doesn't control what pops up, same as all those dating Filipinas ads.