why does it matter - what's the problem?
I really can't believe someone would want to kill me because I don't follow their religion. It makes no sense.
And yet it's been going on for centuries!
Does it have anything to do with the Gods every crusader says it does?
I somehow doubt it.
Is it really to do with territory and power?
Sounds a bit obvious, almost naive in it's simplicity, but ...
be gentle with me please - I feel a tad delicate this morning.
And, honestly, I really DO look forward to seeing you again in about 3 weeks time - truly!
Hmmm...I felt like slapping you after you said OH GOD with seeing you again in a few weeks....but kill , no ;)
smile lots laugh more
Well Said Gypsy....i agreed with you as well as i am impressed from you :)
Dear If somebody destroy my house.. kill my parents and family and throw out of my land.. I ll defend... In the name of GOD, and I'll fight against them....
Islam means peace...
If you want to know Isalm, It is Quran and Sunnah (authentic Hadeeth)of our belowed prophet (Pbuh).. whatever and whoever say or do anything against this (Quran and sunnah) that is not Islam, and it should be rejected...
If someone burned my house down I'd be more concerned about rebuilding then finding vengence. I don't believe in vengence. I believe in walking away from hateful people and conflict and moving on with my life.
Well Jaunty, it has something to do with belief. Some have strong belief that their religion is Devine and those who don't subscribe to it are fools or arrogant and deserve to be hated because the God they believe in himself hates them...
For others there are other motives like power,land,etc..
Or has that been done before lol
I know that.
I'm just opening my mouth and letting my belly rumble.
Just hate the way people fight each other for, what I consider, no reason.
Sure! If someone burned my house down I'd fight back .. but why would they do that in the first place? That's where I come unstuck on human nature. It's that old WTF you do that for?? :D
did someone really threathened to kill you?