5 reasons why wrong relationship feel right
You (and everyone else) know that he’s not the boy/girl-friend-material FOR YOU…but you still fall/stay with –MR./MS. WRONG
You’ve been in a relationship or about to get into one, one fact is true: wrong matches always (and ultimately) fail. The queer thing is, you already know at the back of your mind that SHE/HE’S NOT THE ONE, why are you still in love with him/her? Your friends keeps telling you, telltale signs are there, you’re not even happy…you still stay with him/her?
Someone said “the solution lies in no one else but you. Once you acknowledge that you are responsible, puts all the control in your hands for remedying the matter."
The reasons:
1. Love addict - You may be suffering from love addiction. A love addicts' happiness and well-being are dependent on getting love from another person. Love addicts are often drawn to 'avoidance addict' who avoid commitment and intimacy. They also tend to be very involved to alcoholism, work and sexual affairs. Love addicts can't leave because they fear abandonment; but they can't be comfortable staying because their desire to be rescued, cared for and protected isn't being satisfied.
2. Pattern blindness - Sometimes, you're neck-deep in making a relationship work that you fail to pull-away and look at it from an objective distance. And what is the result? You gravitate towards more or less the same type of guy EVERY TIME. You fail to recognize your own patterns when it comes to relationships. If you're attracted to imbalanced men chances are you may be imbalanced too. It may be a belief that you are not worthy of love and care or that your needs aren't a priority.
3. Faulty radar - Our radar picks up and locks in certain kind of people. If we are lucky enough our radar picks out people who are potentially good for us and things work out. But the sharpness of your internal radar depends on the level of your self-esteem. To up your esteem, learn to self soothe and downplay emotional outburst. This way you'll feel self-empowered and learn to have more self-respect.
4. Fear of loneliness - Loneliness can be a dangerous trigger, and sometimes, we just can't help but cave it. Some folks thrive in solitude, some don't. Relationship, is it a remedy? To steer clear of solitary insanity, connect yourself to the world. Don’t be prevented from doing things you love just because you're single or don't have anyone to do it with.
5. Low self-esteem - Experts agree that low self-esteem is the big reason why women dive headlong or wallow in obliviously wrong relationship. despite having good job, material wealth and great support of friends, someone who suffers from low self-esteem will always take whatever success they have for granted (this so sooo true!). What’s the solution? Any shift you make that moves you in a more positive direction will help you relieve low self-esteem and low self-confidence.
What you are is what you have been, and what you will be is what you do now. - Buddha
i guess im like that...im inlove with the idea of love...;-P
"love is like drinking beer. once you have too much of it, you begin to act stupid" - Anonymous
I can say I fit in all the categories a little bit. :)
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
..but how can I get out of this ? Your advice will be more than welcomed ...:)
u r also welcome
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
It's just that I can relate to it...lol
hehhehehhe u r at it again
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.