A challenge...if you're bored
If anyone is bored...wanting a challenge and has some time, check out
then once you've worked it out...give me a hint!!
If anyone is bored...wanting a challenge and has some time, check out
then once you've worked it out...give me a hint!!
Thanks. lol
Congrats! but do you think it's a page error or someone was SO excited and kept pressing "I did it" " I did it"...lol
Well, that was a joke, I know the site froze for a minute.
The page didn't refresh properly and the last 2 posts were sent in error
I've done it and have gotten out of the room. he he he
Good Night!
His music teacher i blind and my friend would prefer I stayed with him, I don't mind
Don't think I'm going to sleep tonight though. One of my best friends from the UK has asked me to entertain his music teacher here in dubai for 12 hours, whilst he is changing flights. He's Blind, so ofcourse I said yes. He lands in a couple of hours and his changing flight doesn't leave till 10 something PM. At least I should sleep well after that!
well you did better than me. Yeah 2 1/2 hours this morning! how about you?
Just a suggestion, I haven't got as far as you but how about using the antenna to push the wrench out
did you play too much bowling tonight?
...yeah.. and I found 5..three of them have match somewhere in the box.. and then i got stuck... will finish bokra Insha'allah...
This Too Shall Pass.....
[img_assist|nid=71431|title=magic ring|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
found the knife above the timer, use used it to break the box on the shelf, took the screwdriver, opened the elec socket in between the sofas, found the key, used pliers to safely take the key, opened the safe, code the code from the paper stuck out the pic frame, unlocked one side of the briefcase in the safe, also used pliers to pull on ariel of the telly, foound three lttle ball dotted around and the nut, opened the microwave, put the nut in the correct place, pull the balls in the correct place, still missing 3 balls are the is space for 6. HELP
good needs bit concentration and i will even step out of the room
right now am concentrating on my frozen shoulder :/
I found 4 Darude, ha ha _______________________________________________________________
One of the hardest things for us to do in our human nature is to just stop what we are doing to allow God to produce in us what only He can produce.
how many tools do i have to find
looked every where just found 2?
where are the keys?