
By fishermanalex

hi every body

eid mubarak !!!!!!!!!!!!!

do some one no whey they r stopping ppl on foort to go to cornich

i must have a car to go in ??????????????

happy eid !!!!!!!!!!!!!

By Renee• 20 Dec 2007 04:53

I think its best I go into hiding before all the "big players" come out and play.....

By Renee• 20 Dec 2007 04:49

I do apologize Red-Pope-- I just get so angry at people who discriminate, make people look foolish as if they are perfect, and have the audacity to say who can and can’t go to the corniche—as if they are so much better than others--these are things I’m hoping will change in the future--in such places as Doha.

You better stop communicating with me or you will be castrated for feeding the troll.

By anonymous• 20 Dec 2007 04:31

You have already scalp the skin of her forehead.

know you just chopped her head off.

What next?

Are you trying to Sew together her lips and shrink her head in hot coals like the Brazilian Amazon head hunters do?

Let it go, you made your point valid.

The Red Pope of Qatar Living

By Renee• 20 Dec 2007 04:15

I may be a troll PM but at least I don’t discriminate---you’ve been in Qatar far to long

By Renee• 20 Dec 2007 04:13

My last comment—you think you know everything PM and you can tell me I’m full of sh*t—that is not my concern making myself look “good” on QL unlike yourself—I’m here for the underprivileged, and don’t give a damn if you believe me or not.

The funniest part of this discussion is that I’m 31 and admit I’m very immature—I wouldn’t be getting into these ridiculous debates and arguments if I wasn’t. Your 55+ PM, right? What is your excuse?

You all wanted me to stick around for a debate--- I did and PM has run off to bed, being outwitted as she couldn’t answer my question about a man who has lost his family. (It was in a fire BTW) and can’t go to the Corniche because he doesn’t have a family—something PM agrees with—don’t blame me!

God bless you all during Eid and Christmas—let’s not discriminate against anyone during this special time!! Peace X

By Renee• 20 Dec 2007 04:05

LOLOLOL----I believe in freedom of speech and if anyone has a problem they can always go to Qatari and ban me. I've never threatened anyone-- yes admit to name calling which is very immature, I'm well aware of that.

Here’s my confession:

A BIG apology to Cornellian for anything nasty I’ve ever said to you. I do apologize and know you’re not part of the *clique*-- I have flapped those lips of mine before I knew your real character. I’m sorry for ever offending and patronizing you.

Now where is that little pest PM?? The one who discrminates against others!

By anonymous• 20 Dec 2007 03:56

My Confession Booth is open for a hearing on (PM) Marie Antoinette last prayers and Renee REVOLUTIONARY convictions...

The Red Pope of Qatar Living

By anonymous• 20 Dec 2007 03:53

Pm is Marie Antoinette and you Renee are the New revolution...Except we don't cut heads with Guillotines, except with words...

The Red Pope of Qatar Living

By Renee• 20 Dec 2007 03:49

I'm making it up Red_Pope-- like I have so much to prove on here and I have my reputation to live up to---think it makes PM feel better about herself knowing I made it up.

I can show credentials if need be!!-- but then I'll be accused of Photoshopping them--catch 22

By Renee• 20 Dec 2007 03:45

Maybe when you experience discrimination PM, then you will pity people doing a simple act of walking on the corniche

By anonymous• 20 Dec 2007 03:45

At least she did a couple of things good in her life. Don't let the new Doha revolution execute you! LOL

The Red Pope of Qatar Living

By Renee• 20 Dec 2007 03:43

On another note, how can anyone say they believe in the "freedom of speech" but then turn around and say only "families" can go to the corniche??

Is that hypocritical?

By anonymous• 20 Dec 2007 03:42

Does anyone knows, WHAT ARE THE THREE FACES OF S.H.I.T.? specially When it comes to this mundane action of not letting other walk in the Cornice?

Anyone getting close to this trivia question will earn a V.I.P. pass!

The Red Pope of Qatar Living

By Renee• 20 Dec 2007 03:38

Its not always about you PM- I love how you didn't respond to the man who has lost his whole family? Does he have a right to go to the Corniche? Whats you opinion on this?

Let me guess you dont believe me about that either---easy way to get out of it hey?

By Renee• 20 Dec 2007 03:36

And you don't have a nasty attitude towards QL members PM? Your always sweet as pie? Yeah right!!

I love how you say dont 'expect us all', as if your talking about your little groupie friends. Cant just speak for youself no? Have to be a sheep?

You attack people who disagree with you, call them names and spew out poison, but because your a regular on QL you have the right yes??

I can show you comments if you dont believe me!!

By Renee• 20 Dec 2007 03:22

You critize me for calling people names--you called me a troll-- how is this anyway better?

Now now, are you falling as low as I am PM???

By Renee• 20 Dec 2007 03:18

PM-- of course you disagree with Knoxcollege, you always do-- under all that tension he is decent, humane, and cares for people.

You have been Qatarized and as I've said, try walking in others shoes before you even start patronising others with 'family' day out-- discriminating against anyone not married or part of a family.

On that subject, I met a Sri Lankan man who spent 8 years driving taxis in Doha working for peanuts who inspired me by saying, 'they can have all the money in the world but they lack the simple things in life, which is what means the most at the end of the day. Money makes the world go around but it doesn't make you happy.'

His whole family were killed in a tragic accident--he is a single male in Doha and your telling him PM that he doesn't have the right to celebrate Eid on the Corniche because he is not part of a 'family'? How tragic you are-- you wonder why I bite back :( You forget about the small people and their journeys into Doha who are trying to survive :(

By knoxcollege• 20 Dec 2007 03:16

in the dirty mind of KnoxCollege

A guy (Labourer) is walking towards the corniche and a police man stops him

PoliceMan: Hey yo, you mota-F**** you cant go to the corniche.

Labourer: Sir Why cannot I go to the corniche? Can you please, kindly tell me of the reason why I cannot go and walk on the corniche

Policeman: Thinking and scratching his head, Coz your wife aint't with you. Bring your wife over here and then you can go on the corniche.

Labourer: But Sir why do you want my wife to go on the corniche,

PoliceMan: Coz I want to see women on the corniche. I am getting sick and gay of seeing only the people with D**Ks. I wanna see people with B**Bs.

(Then the police man puts the labourer in the police van for talking too much)

KnoxCollege is very grateful and thankful if it has hurt your feelings. I promise to do it again, unless you bring your wife.

By Renee• 20 Dec 2007 02:55

Ask PM, she is the one who cares so much for these laborers?? Well PM, we are waiting?

By Vegas• 20 Dec 2007 02:55

Family day is family day...A hole

Get over it...I did...

You can't teach experience...

By KellysHeroes• 20 Dec 2007 02:52

Would somebody suggest a place for the laborers to go during Eid Holiday.

By Renee• 20 Dec 2007 02:50

I think YOU are all you are interested in.

>>I think you’re talking about yourself dear!!! Admit it, you condescend and patronize people on here all the time.

You know nothing about me, but your the MIGHTY PM and know it all right? You believe what you want, if it helps you sleep easy at night!!

By Renee• 20 Dec 2007 02:46

Cornellian, if they were treated with humanity and decency in the first place they would never have resorted to the measures of making people feel uncomfortable to begin with.

I’m in the process of helping labor workers in the Gulf OS which is such a frustrating and agonizing process; when I hear someone say they feel uncomfortable being starred at it makes me mad as if it such a horror!! I apologize if I came across to strongly; I just wish more people would be a little more understanding of the desperation of these poor souls.

PM, get over yourself; really, you make cruel comments, I respond, get called a troll so others think badly of me-- you cover up the fact that you have been Qatarised?? Sad, sad world we live in.

God help those innocent souls of Qatar-- peace be with you!

By knoxcollege• 20 Dec 2007 02:40

All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.'

But one day the evil will reach our homes.

By Renee• 20 Dec 2007 02:37

Your so much beter then me because I'm a TROLL right?

Here that-- I'm a troll so listen to the mighty PM and trash me!!

Did you ever for once consider that this is not about you or me?

By Renee• 20 Dec 2007 02:26

Look around you on the streets everyday and you’ll see racism. Most of you obviously dont see the horror of the majority of people’s life in Doha. The reality is most people live in absolute misery. Here’s an idea-- go around and ask the Filipinos, Indonesians, Ethiopians, Somalia’s, Nepalese, Indians. Etc etc etc, how much they like Doha and ask them how they are treated?!! I have. Till then you have no idea what you’re talking about and don’t have the right to speak on their behalf. I spent 6 years working for these poor souls, trying to get them back on their feet, to get them back home to their families and friends.

PM, your right it is Qatar with THEIR rules and laws, thats why so many are trying to get out of Doha so they can be treated like humans again.

For an ex maid you across as being very cruel and uncaring!!

By KellysHeroes• 20 Dec 2007 02:19

Usually you have the freedom to go anyday and anytime to the corniche. Even you can take your pets for a walk there anytime. Whereas those poor workers have only Fridays and holidays - if got the chance - to breath some fresh air and relax at the corniche, hence have themselves remember they are humans. And mind you. There is park there - Al Bidaa Park - dedicated for families 24x7

By Cornellian• 20 Dec 2007 02:19

What u've done is great Renee, it really is. I guess we all try to help with what we can.

So Renee, what do u suggest ? For all the laborers to be allowed on the

corniche ? Do u think families will feel comfortable with letting their children run around while strange men are lurking and staring ?

I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield

By Renee• 20 Dec 2007 02:17

And I stand by what I said: the country is called QATAR. They rightfully have the interests of the Qataris in mind when they make their laws and rules.

>>which includes treating humans like trash and it seems to me that you have no problem with this by your previous comments!! Who cares if woman are raped, because it is Qataris who make it THEIR laws and rules-- and all should abide right? Or you have been here to long and forgotten what humanity is??

By knoxcollege• 20 Dec 2007 02:16

The world would be a very great place if we could say the same about the oppressed and the repressed people all over the world.

Yeah its the Burmese and they are living in Burma so we dont have any right condemning the atrocities committed against the

Burmese people in Burma.

Even the Qatif Girl who was raped and was sentenced for lashed, why should we even give a sh*t about her. She is Saudian and her security is the responsibility of the Saudi Government. Even if they execute her we shouldnt give a damn.

Kosovo. Darfur. etc etc are many other examples.

I simply dont understand how can people justify this action of authorities. All these people have the same right to walk on the corniche as everyone else does.

By Scarlett• 20 Dec 2007 02:15

you will never have an idea of what they have gone through in their again, i say back off the guilt trip.

By Renee• 20 Dec 2007 02:13

Renee..what gives you the right to ...

pass judgement on PM and Corne?? You don't know what life they lead or who they have helped. Back off the guilt trip. We COULD turn it around and ask of you...why should YOU care??

>>>For some reason I think thy have it better then picking up an axe and digging for 12 hours straight!!

By Renee• 20 Dec 2007 02:11

You make comments like that and you don't expect a response????

What have I done?? I spent 6 years working in detention centres in Doha caring for unfortuante souls until I couldnt take it anymore because of the pure hell and misery.

If all I had to deal with was being starred at (which happened every second of the day) and made feel 'uncomfortable' I would be on top of the world right now.

Don't make dicriminating comments like that and not expect a reponse!!

Everyone has the right to enjoy Eid and Christmas no matter what religion or race you are!!

By knoxcollege• 20 Dec 2007 02:04

This is bloody freakin wrong. I strongly despise the action of police and authorities stopping the free movement of labourers/poor/bachelors wherever it is.

If people with women have a problem with the labourers, they might keep their veiled women behind doors and locks.

I strongly and in the most despicable of languages condemn this action of authorities.

By Cornellian• 20 Dec 2007 02:03

Hey Renee, don't talk like u know what I do or who I am in real life. I help out those people, I've participated in free clinical medical camps for such laborers, and I've given charity whenever I can. Heck I'm working my ass off to be a doctor so I can help people! All of this does not change that fact that they DO uncomfortably gawk at me!

Ur sitting on ur comfortable chair preaching all of this...yet ask urself what have YOU done to make a difference ? Before u start preaching to others...take a hard look at urself first.

I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield

By Scarlett• 20 Dec 2007 02:02

that you would have no trouble getting a girlfriend at all here...see Scarlett was right...

By Scarlett• 20 Dec 2007 02:01

pass judgement on PM and Corne?? You don't know what life they lead or who they have helped. Back off the guilt trip. We COULD turn it around and ask of you...why should YOU care??

By Vegas• 20 Dec 2007 02:00

Yes I know...

But some how I fell pretty good...

I'm walking a little taller...

And more proud...Hmmm

Wonder what that means...

You can't teach experience...

By Renee• 20 Dec 2007 01:58

Vegas which part of amnesia did you not get??????????????????

It' easy for you to feel blessed PM and at least you get to experience being uncomfortable Conellian.

Your not the ones subjected to picking up a rusted pick everyday and hammering through god knows what for 12 hours straight getting paid 600 QR a month---that's if your lucky--you've been Qatarizied and its really sad----you say you can 'sympathize'-- they are just words---anyone can pretend to care Conellian.

Has everyone forgotten the real meaning of humanity, Eid, Christmas?????

It would be a different story if you were in their shoes hey PM and Corn-- like you care-- you have your careers, money, and life-- why should you care about others!!

By Vegas• 20 Dec 2007 01:54


I found love yes...

But did she???

That is the question???

I actually like it though...

I don't want a woman that throws it all out there if you know what I mean...

She makes it exciting...

You can't teach experience...

By Cornellian• 20 Dec 2007 01:47

As much as I sympathize with the labours and all, but sometimes their presence is very uncomfortable. Two days ago, I went to the airport to pick up a friend and when I walked in, it was like they've never seen a female before, I just wanted to crawl into a hole and hide, it was VERY uncomfortable having all those men gawk...ekkhhh!

So actually I would like a day at the corniche where I could go and not worry about men looking at me like a piece of meat. I remember when they had the fireworks for the 2016 Olympics bid and I was there, and the amount of labours staring as we walked...MY GOD!

So I guess the security has the families in their best intentions and I can see why they would stop certain groups from going to the corniche.

I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield

By Vegas• 20 Dec 2007 01:46

They seem to think this is their country...LOL

You can't teach experience...

By Vegas• 20 Dec 2007 01:44

I assume your talking to me...

If you don't like it go home...

I have lived with limeted rights all over the world...

All my life...I guess Iam just use to it...

But I always make the best of where I am and what I have...

And I am very happy here...I can't complain about anything

I even have a woman who loves me here now...I think she does anyway...

I am a disgrace...Your a disgrace for shyting on me and you don't even know me...If you can't be happy in your little apartment by yourself...

You can't be happy anywhere...:)

You can't teach experience...

By Renee• 20 Dec 2007 01:35

Your Qatari amnesia? Says it all if your response if yes. So if you’re not married or part of a family you cannot enjoy Eid celebrations on the corniche? The fact that you think this is normal on such a special occasion (something everyone should enjoy regardless of religion, race, marital status) reflects what an uncaring person you are.

They were doing the same at the airport the other night where there were huge queues. They would not let Asian workers say goodbye to their families, with police officers actually hitting some people yelling “yalla,yalla.” Qataris were able to say goodbye to their loved ones. Why is that? As well Qataris were jumping the queues, with no one saying a word as they were too scared. Would love to see that happen anywhere else outside the Gulf!!

Of course it has to do with being Qatari. You’re telling me that if a single Qatari male walked to the corniche he would have been stopped? Or if a VIP walked, they would have been stopped? Yeah right!!

People can criticize westerners as much as they want, but at least at Christmas, EVERYONE regardless of religion, race, marital status are able to attend mass and are not discriminated against. EVERYONE IS WELCOME. You’re a disgrace for even trying to justice this.

By Vegas• 20 Dec 2007 01:33

You Know...

I see that a lot of places...(family only)

And I'm a single guy here...

But I use to have a family...

And heck yes...God bless the family...

I can walk another day...

But this may be the only day they have together...

So shut up A hole...You can walk any day...

You can't teach experience...

By alicat• 20 Dec 2007 01:28

Qatar making rules for rules sake. On a day of rest for expat workers and they are not allowed to go for a walk on one of the only safe decent footpaths in Doha. Its a sad state of affairs I say.

This is a country that wishes the Olympic Games.

Hey just another negative point for the bid committee to read, between exit visa's, sponsorship law, treatment of expat workforce, etc etc......

My view - unless bribes are given and taken there is no way Qatar will get the Olympics - or make the Human Rights committee in the UN happy.

This story of a simple place to walk says it all.

By amnesia• 20 Dec 2007 01:04

it's because on Eid it's families only.

Nothing to do with whether you are a labourer or not or any VIPS going :S


By fishermanalex• 19 Dec 2007 20:00


thx dear yes u r right

happy eid

By silversurfer• 19 Dec 2007 18:57

Looking forward to Hashin's comments about racism from the government, and what he proposes to do about it.


By alicat• 19 Dec 2007 18:42
Rating: 4/5

all I can say is that,I drove up to and on part of the Corniche ealier today, and yes I saw police and security men stopping people walking to the corniche. It seemed fine to just park up in a car.

Noticed most of the people they were stopping were groups of men.

Today for many was a well earned rest day, to spend time with family and friends.

I can only assume that 'someone' was going to travel on the corniche and 'they' did not want them to see the reality of Qatar - hard workers (I do have to admit it did seem like security were stopping only labour men in their casual clothes) who on a day off wish to do nothing than walk innocently on the corniche with friends.

Hey this is Qatar and 'they' can do what 'they' like when 'they' like!

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