Doha Bound and Thank You
Hi All,
 If management doesn't change their minds YET again, I will be Doha bound this week for a permanent position in the oil and gas industry. I have been following this site for a few months now, and I have had lot's of my questions answered already without having to ask. So thank you to all for that.
I have been to Doha twice in the last 6 months for a few days each trip. I know just enough to be dangerous.
I am 34, Canadian, currently live in Scotland, work throughout the ME, Europe, Russia and Africa. I'm sure i'll be asking all sorts of questions of you people once I am actually there permanently. I know a couple of people who rotate in and out of Doha, and a few friends of friends are there as well. Hopefully I will get to meet some of you socially. I hope that there are some better places to go than just that meat market in the Ramada....lolol... but I enjoyed the feel of Garvey's.
Will be living in Al Makki Gardens if the paperwork goes through. Working out of Toyota Towers and our shop is Southwest of town.
I just wanted to introduce myself, say Thank You for all the info you post here, and say will be talking to you all in the future.
welcome to doha and join the club :-)
Have a safe journey Imp and enjoy your time in Qatar