Drivers cutting into lanes @airport signal
Does anyone have a solution to the problem with people cutting into lanes especially during the rush hours in the mornings at the airport signal. Drivers are so brash and inconsiderate. They are either in a rush or are just plain clueless at times. I think that if there was a traffic policeman monitoring that area during the rush hours would help immensely. Any other suggestions??
Lol Mandi lulur ... your post making me smiles ... :)
When in Rome ....
Oh, right, I see! I misread your post! Yes, I think we should blame the Brits. Sometimes when I catch the fourth consecutive light on C-ring road I get nostalgic for the timed stop-lights in the US. Can you imagine such planning and forethought? Timed stop-lights! In Doha! I will think I've died and gone to heaven.
all these endless U-turns are increasing traffic dramatically...instead of having the option to turn right/left people have to drive till r/a and then go sometimes all the way back.... this definitely increases the traffic flow on the r/a and signals... silly system
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
i know mandi there are no r/a in north America! that;s why i asked whether all this traffic development is Brits' job?
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
MD, i always wondering who developped round-abouts, signals and planned the roads in Doha? It was really bad that Brits' development?? then they have to learn from north america...
...What most driving me crazy is that in many cases there are no alternative ways/roads! People who need to go right, left, forward and back, they are all forced to follow the only available direction! This is ridiculous!
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Nope, QS, no roundabouts in America.
I agree with penny. I absolutely refuse to violate any traffic regulation, no matter how "silly" or how great my need to get ahead of someone else. I refuse to enable someone to say, "Oh, everyone does it." I keep a strict eye on the speedometer and NEVER change lanes in a round about, choosing which lane I wish to be in well ahead of time. It's called situational awareness, it's called defensive driving. I've not had an accident in Qatar (masha'allah) yet. I've been back in the US for almost a week now and I realize with pleasure that I haven't gotten angry with anyone on the road this whole time. A whole week and I haven't seen one discourteous or dangerous driver! It can be done.
So you advocate shit driving?
Why not the other way where we advocate safe and respectful driving?
My thoughts are my own, but I doubt my Mum would agree with some of them.
cant beat them, join them !
cut into the lanes yourself too. At first I thought driving here was hard because of the inconsiderate drivers, but now I just drive inconsiderately and it seems to work with the system well. I'd never do it at home though.
"let's slip out of these wet clothes and into a dry martini" Mae West
that was funny keep on suffering :)
I also dont think there would be any solution...
all the best buddy
Drivers are cutting into lanes everywhere in Doha. There are not enough policemen available in Qatar and many roundabouts and signal crossings are poorly planned. There is no concept for the traffic flow. The involved people are bloody amateurs. Keep on suffering.