Feed the poor by improving your vocab!!!
Check out this website . . it's called 'Free Rice' and it helps extend your vocabulary by playing a little game, but as you play the game you help donate rice!!
FreeRice is a sister site of the world poverty site, Poverty.com.
FreeRice has two goals:
Provide English vocabulary to everyone for free.
Help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free.
This is made possible by the sponsors who advertise on this site.
Whether you are CEO of a large corporation or a street child in a poor country, improving your vocabulary can improve your life. It is a great investment in yourself.
Perhaps even greater is the investment your donated rice makes in hungry human beings, enabling them to function and be productive. Somewhere in the world, a person is eating rice that you helped provide.
Very Cool!
[img_assist|nid=54691|title=|desc=Wherever you live; live everywhere.|link=none|align=centre|width=|height=0]
it is very informative, instructive and charitable. I have donated 1300 grains of rice yet. Keep donating and having fun at the same time.
thanks canary its done
However , go through your profile it will say there if you want to accept PM's. I will look.
canarybird can u pls tell me how to get the PMS
I see you have no possibility for PMs this is why I asked many thanks
Hi canarybird my email is [email protected]
Please be so kind as to give me your e-mail address - I am collecting rice and tinned or dried goods to be delivered so they have something on EID.
Hey canary can u pls send me the details i am ready too.......
Hey canary can u pls send me the details i am ready too.......
Hey canary can u pls send me the details i am ready too.......
I am ready ... PM me for details pls.
I need rice for the labourers and am hoping to get people to donate before EID.