GOP must think republicans are stupid
Jon Stewart was poking fun at FOX news the other night because one of their "journalists" said that Sarah Palin's stint as governor of Alaska gave her good foreign policy and international relations experience because Alaska was geographically close to Russia.
Clearly one of dumbest things I would hear during this political season, I thought.
Well, yesterday I saw footage of Cindy McCain spewing the same garbage on the news. Seems this has become one of the GOP sound bites, which begs me to wonder how people can vote for a party that so blatantly and obviously thinks they are morons?
but it just gets worse and worse...
"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day." Withnail & I
This same public which gave George W a second term in office. Need I say more?
How else are they expecting to win!
I think you have too much confidence in the US General public!
the wonder of politics...