Have you ever thought.......
Have you ever thought how much is your salary per minute?!
If you calculated this value and think of it... many things will come to your mind..
Just think of it..
Lets say that your total package as a married employee is 7,620 riyals only..
You salary per day is 7620/30.5 = 250 Q.R
Your Salary per hour is 250/8 = 30 Q.R
Your salary per minute is 30/60 = 0.5 Q.R
Imagine that you spend 5 minutes daily talking with your wife
And another 10 minutes daily chatting with friends at office or via phone
Add another 10 minutes reading a newspaper or browsing the Internet
Add another 5 minutes because you come 5 minutes late and leave at 2.30 sharp!
That is half an hour? , i.e 30 * 0.5 = 15 Riyals a day
So every month you will get paid 450 Riyals for the activities mentioned above!
In one year you are paid 5,500 Riyals!!
Do you know that if your full package is 13,000 Q.R and you do activities similar to the above-mentioned examples then you are paid 10,000 Riyals a year for actually doing nothing!!
Congratulations!.. you are a clever man!!.. Nobody knows about it and nobody asks about it!.. things are easy isn't it??
My point here is that you have to be reasonable for your self and your company.. every time you feel that your self or somebody else is going to waste your time (which is your company's time) think of this money you are paid? and remember that even if no one knows about it.. one day will come and you will be asked about every minute of your life.. you will be asked about the money you got.. were did it come from? and how did you spent it.. yes.. life was not created haphazardly... life didn't create it self.. you didn't create your highly sophisticated body that scientists couldn't understand until today... every thing was created for a purpose.. and the creator and organizer of all these great things has created in all of us a natural sensor for god and bad things.. even if you give excuses about things you did.. something inside you knows and tells you the truth... that is what lord almighty tells us through Quran , the handbook for human to understand themselves and the life they live in.. The message of Allah, the lord, to all human beings.
So.. you will be asked one day about things you did.. money you've got for nothing (and by the way will for sure then go for nothing) in the day of judgment... were all of us will get exposed to every single thing they did in life.. even if they forgot (wonder how do we believe that human being is able to develop equipment that keeps track of all things happening some were but regret to believe that their mind could be a "black box" that holds every thing they did or even thought of..and will be used one day to tell them what they did!)
Is it fair to waste company's time then fill an over-time sheet?!
I agree that there are things that cannot be avoided.. like emergences and things related to the nature of all of us.. but.. you should balance it... for example if you came 30 minutes late for an excuse.. will you leave at 2.30?