How to Legally Create a Society..(Muslim Ex-pat Association)
I was told that I need some sort of clearance to create a society, maybe as it is Islamically oriented...however was wondering if anyone could let me know the procedures I have to go through, as always everything is long-winded here however inshallah we will be able to set the group up.
I am still hoping for people to meet this Thursday or Friday. Please msg me, and give me your details. Also me and Abu Iman are creating a database of sorts to help start us off.
I am thinking if word can spread, as from what I have been told by others, their are a lot of ex-pat muslims, however you never really see them around, and its near impossible to tell where they are from.
Also would like to clarify though its called Ex-pats it is primarly use is for English speakers, so if you are from India/Pakistan/Bangladesh/Philipines, or anywhere else, and you wish to attend English speaking functions and inshallah talks, then we would more than welcome you..