hello im jr iphone user..
this few days im having problem w/ my iphone 3g.
my fone is unlock and working properly before but this past few days my friends cannot reach me they cant give me a call. "BUT MY PHONE IS ALIVE" when they tried to call me operator will speak that my phone is not available and "THE CRAZY THING IS I CAN CALL BUT THEY CANT CALL ME" ALL MY FRIENDS USING IPHONE HAVING EXPIRIENCE LIKE THIS.
guyz please give comment if you've expiriencing like this also. or any idea if you have thanks
You are so very confusing
At last i take decission for sell my iphone.
If any body they want to sell iphone with gud condition..Pls give me a call
You want to sell your Iphone or buy one
As you only said so many problems with your iphone so why buy another one
hello friend I am also facing the same problem..Always it s not reachable.. I got so many problems becoz of this situation.. At last i take decission for sell my iphone.. But i like iphone very much.. If any body they want to sell iphone with gud condition..Pls give me a call .. (6933429)
galloper thanks..
take a look at the N6110 recommended by baldrick
Draj said it right..
the new sim provided by qtel is lil bit slimmer, due to which this problem arises. just add some thickness to it and it should work fine..
instead, and the Nokia baldrick mentioned. I boycott Nokia though :) The IPod Touch 2G does everything the IPhone can, 'cept it's not a phone and doesn't have a camera. It's got sick apple wi-fi, killer apps, same 533Mhz. processor etc... If it's the apps you're after, I don't see the point hassling yourself. I redsn0w-ed mine, Cydia works fine :)
ok guyz thanks my phone is working good now
my iphone works fine too.. & i love it as well.
"Before God we are all equally wise ' and equally foolish" - Albert Einstein
yeah draj...same thing with me..it normally shows only one or 2 bars.....but when i call someone it becomes full..and when someone try to call me it says not reachable.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
i also had a same problem on my previous iphone.. its a weak signal problem... there are different ideas to increase the signal strength... one of it is just on the back side of sim stick the scotch tape with the same size of sim. double it, 2 layers.. and see it if u get more signal...
lol... having all the trouble for your iphone and blackberry? get nokia n97...less trouble
ur phone working fine?? t-coffee ur fone is unlock what software did you use to unlock it ultrasnow??
if at all i repent for buying anything in my life....it was the iphone.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
really iphone having weak signal?? but u can call anytime
Mine is working fi9 ... love my iphone
baldrick, what does a 6110 look like? i've lost track of all the nokia models...
Nah MJ, get a Nokia 6110 - best phone in the world for making and receiving calls :o)
weak signal? so is it worth getting an iPhone then?
weak signal.....very common problem with the iphones.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
Any idea? Let them call you over the landline. Very solid connection.
i don't have iphone... :(
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