A door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesman manages to bull his way into a woman's home in a rural area.
"This machine is the best ever" he exclaims, whilst pouring a bag of dirt over the lounge floor.
The woman says she's really worried it may not all come off, so the salesman says, "If this machine doesn't remove all the dust completely, I'll lick it off myself."
"Do you want ketchup on it?" she says, "we're not connected for electricity yet!"
yup, am an addict, look at the clock when am done on here and wonder where all the hours went!!!!
morning brandy,
brandy talking about QL addicts hehe..well i try everyday but i fail...but there is some progress unlike charan who is now inside the QL server :)
skdkak - Check the latest PM from me :)
Hi Baka... I actually want to be QL addict 24X7 but whenever i try, time doesnt allow me to.. so just trying to keep u guys remembering me .. just in case u forget me :)))))
Maybe I am not able to handle QL and work simultaneously..
he said he set his priorities in order, I say good for him, this site is soooo addictive :)
welcome sk again..whats happening why you on and off like this...
I sent another one :)
skdkak - I replied to you already
now chk ur inbox ASAP
lol.. good one
"charan: are u the same old charan who was just a charan and not charanmafiriyals."
Yes - lately people knows me as Mafiriyals so I combined both name for the sake of Old pals & Newbees :)
In a trial, a small-town prosecuting attorney called his first witness, an elderly grandmother to the stand. He approached her and asked; "Mrs.. Jones, do you know me?"
She responded, "Why, yes, I do know you, Mr. Williams. I've known you since you were a young boy, and frankly, you're a big disappointment to me. You lie, cheat on your wife, manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs. You think you're a big shot when you haven't the brains to realize you never will amount to anything more than a two-bit paper pusher. Yes, I know you."
The lawyer was stunned! Not knowing what else to do, he pointed across the room and asked, "Mrs.. Jones, do you know the defense attorney?"
She again replied, "Why, yes, I do. I've known Mr. Bradley since he was a youngster. He's lazy, bigoted, and has a drinking problem. He can't build a normal relationship with anyone and his law practice is one of the worst in the state. Not to mention he cheated on his wife with three different women. One of them was your wife. Yes I know him."
The defense attorney almost died. The judge asked both lawyers to approach the bench and in a quiet voice said: "If either of you rascals asks her if she knows me, I'll send you to the electric chair."
Lawyers should never ask grandmas a question if they aren't prepared for the answer.
Thanks brandylady , hope all well
hey chaman.. keep putting some new ones if you have for us outdated ones pl.
this has been posted earlier i guess..
charan: are u the same old charan who was just a charan and not charanmafiriyals .....
sorry. have been out of touch in QL
didn't go anywhere.... only priotrised the work and poor thing is QL addiction was the least among the important jobs at hand.
chk ur buddy requests.
skdkak - They don't have new stuff. that's why he/she is still licking old Ketchup :)
wondered where you had got to. Enjoy :) lots happening but you will soon catch up.
Brandlady: thanks for welcoming me.
How are you. It will take some time for me to see what all is happening in QL.
Will try to be active ... well, not like Da & the likes but compared to reasonable average QL addicts.. :)
funny one mayasunil :)