Last things to do
By Straight Arrow •
If you had a last wish what would it be?
If you are allowed to go back home and change three things what would these things be?
If you were given option to learn two or three things and sponcered for these two or three things what would they be?
If you want to change two or three bad characters of your self what would they be?
hmmm so many
LOL. Oops I mean I probably have LOTS of bad habits, not no bad habits. But I accept myself for who I am.
"We submit to the majority because we have to. But we are not compelled to call our attitude of subjection a posture of respect." Ambrose Bierce
Habits are just habits, you perceive my habits as good or bad. For me it's just a habit. It is what I am and I don't want to stop being me.
"Live with passion, Die with style"
If no one says anything bad about him/her self then this a sign of professionalism.
On the other had if the person says that he/she does not have any bad habbits then he/she probably have some serious bad habbits, I do not know if you agree with me.
Last thing I'd do is try heroin.
I'd kick the Conservatives out of government (perhaps even out of the country altogether), pull our troops out of Afghanistan & legalize Marijuana.
I'd learn Kung fu & how to play the guitar.
I probably have no bad habits, but I like myself and wouldn't change a thing.
"We submit to the majority because we have to. But we are not compelled to call our attitude of subjection a posture of respect." Ambrose Bierce
I want to die as the most famous person on the planet. Apart from that no real last wish.
I don't want to change too many things, world is fine as it is. The more the things change, the more they remain the same anyway.
Learning hmmmmm I want to learn skiing, Guitar...
Bad habits of mine.... nothing really, I am happy with myself.
"Live with passion, Die with style"
1. Apsence of any kind of fights and wars.
2. I am Qatari, I would make the roads better and build bridges (it is already going on), build more public parks (already going on), planting more tress (going on).
3. I would learn languages French and Spanish, Architecture, Art.
4. I would change laziness, way of answering other people.