Legends in making??
Not original, just something I received in an email.
Gandhi- could write with both hands ѕimultaneoυѕly.
Napoleon- could sleep even when riding a horse.
Leonardo da vιncι- could write with one hand and draw with other hand ѕimultaneoυѕly.
Driver in Qatar- can hold the steering, give indicators, send text messages, keep an eye on the road, play with his/her kid, smoke a cigarette and hold a drink simultaneously
I, honestly, don't know if I'm doing the right thing or not. A while ago I was driving (cutting around), smoking, drinking & making notes on a pad paper while looking around reading shop names. If in-between I had to type an sms, I didn't write the whole thing in a go, I do a bit of this & that in-between. Oh & I tackled the infamous-20kmh indian drivers too.
Born & brought up in Qatar.
Folks, we can talk abt bad driving and drivers all day - no end to it but can we do anything about it - probably little but yes.
An idea could be to start awareness session for all drivers about safety and good driving - we can use Qatar Charity groups and other sources.It might not yield much but no harm in trying.....
We all live in this society and we are responsible for it
Lets see whoz up for it ;)
What is worst than reading a fullsize newspaper while driving in the middle of the day on C-Ring road at around 70 KM/Hour !
LOL I am part of some crowd now?
Dot, no, certainly not, totally not my thing.
Just because i was not ALWAYS sarcastic, does not mean i want to join any crowd.
Just helping out when I see fit, that's all.
i'm not saying at all, but wat i've observed for the last couple of weeks that u want to join crowd.
Driver in Qatar ??
Naa, am not a herd animal, prefer to be on my own.
Helping out once in a while is no problem...but that's as far as it goes. :)
who cares, its only u who's playing a supportive role :P
Dot, no way, There would not be enough members. lol
are u seriously looking for making a group on QL???
gkramer, good luck! :)
Give me some time to master that ;)
gkramer, this is whee the art of subtle sarcasm comes in...
I am definitely amused here. What am I supposed to do?
1. Say that driving in Qatar is an amazing experience and everyone drives perfectly here?- No I can't lie
2. Everyone breaks rules- No, some people get offended and take it personally.
3. Some people break rules- No I will be a racist
4. Forget about it and pretend that it is normal- Sorry I can't do that either. I can't pretend that people are not flashing their lights at me when I am driving at 100 on a road with speed limit of 100 or honking their horns at me for being stationary for 0.5 second after the signal turns green or how people enter from right-most lane and turn left on a round about.. I can go on and on with this list.
Like I said, it's a no win situation.
gkramer, QL IS entertaining, isn't it! ;)
Happy, I don't see how gkramer is calling you a bad driver by comparing drivers in Qatar to Gandhi, Napoleon and Leonardo Da Vinci....
It's a no win situation for me isn't it. If I point out who are the bad drivers, you will call me racist and if I make it general, you take it personally.
Let's just say it was an attempt to divert the attention towards the driving here in a humorous way.
....gkramer, the other half of the hard feelings for assuming I'm a bad driver.
Happy Happy you are right, I don't care ;)
Half hard feelings, I like that. Atleast you are honest :)
John if I put them on the iggy list then how will I get entertained ;)
....gkramer, if you're saying you're not, I'll believe you. I tend to think good of people (maybe you don't care) and give a second chance, just as I'd want to be treated.
Half hard feelings ..:P
I generalized all the drivers in Qatar. I can't control the comments if they veer towards one particular nationality. As for less educated ones, I am not that highly educated academically myself but I have learnt a lot on the streets.
By the way you can call me racist if you want, freedom of speech.
....gkramer, even the less educated among us would know that stereotyping and/or generalizing is a type of racism. I'm glad you've introduced yourself to QL as one.
You'll have lots of QL puppet supporters. Enjoy their cheers.
Happy Happy rash driving is not funny to me, maybe it is to you.
I speak my mind, is that a disease? If so then I am happy to have it.
u've the right to make fun of wat ever u like.
....gkramer, you claim you're new to QL, already making fun of people on your (first?) QL thread, and acting very surprised, on the Happy July 4th USA thread and other threads, that QLers complain about and make fun of everything?
You've either contracted the QL disease so soon, or you're no different.
Just a thought.
thats what make it more challenging to drive here
for doing many things at a time while driving
at chodega nahi :D
I thought you were saying chodhega nahi first and wondering what who you were talking about :P
Chodega nahi...:)
English: Will Hold on...:)
I'm sure the valued time of these drivers is being put to better use sipping on karak chai and smoking hookah :)
Qataris value time more than they value lives perhaps, so they tend to take advantage of the trip duration time :)! which makes sense in the existing traffic!
My Sense,
We can't tell you here.
Just go out and drive for a while and you'll reach your conclusions.
Oh, wait a min, they are currently out of the country, wait and see how things flow after the summer holidays, during Ramadan.
You’ll see who they are ;)
last one should be a world record now... ;)
Who they are mostly anyway? hehehe
lol, nice one.
Absolutely incredible how gifted the drivers in Qatar are.
some of those extra tasks are certainly performed by the rest of the kids who take turns by jumping around ;)
so there is normal symptom?
Nic...now that (flashing) requires a sixth hand...:)
BTW where is the newspaper in the list of tasks...:)
abnormal symptoms ;)
lol... i saw them coming with their flashing lights in my rear view mirror ;)
deja vu??? hmmmpp
"Driver in Qatar- can hold the steering, give indicators, send text messages, keep an eye on the road, play with his/her kid, smoke a cigarette and hold a drink simultaneously" - with one foot on the dashboard. lol!
Some driver's are dying to speed up more twice the speed limit. And have you observed, they don't know what is the minimum distance between cars at speed of 120km/h. Terrible!
nic...you must be right, couldn't see clearly at the speed they pass by...:)
That proves that these guys are damn good in Multi-Tasking. That's exactly why they are working on key positions and complete their 8 hours job within two hours while talking on mobile, having 'sulaimani' & Cigaara simultaneously. Rest of us are just jealous of them.
i can drive and pee at the same time all we need is a plastic bottle for the process
Great stuff :) They take multi-tasking to a new level.
gkramer, add one more with ur last comment, that they can hold BURGERS with ease while driving..
Pssst there kids act as airbags, everyone knows that.
no no, that's the other kid ;)
the other day i saw a guy driving and browsing on his i-Pad (not i-pod) at the same time!
If I am not wrong, the kid with whom the driver is playing sits in his lap and holds the steering while he smokes and drinks...:)
They don't have five hands asif, they've mastered the art of driving with their feet.
that means the drivers in qatar have 5 hands?????
Drivers in Qatar should be in Guinness Book of World Records..