Msn closing down
Any body got same mail?
This is Tara and John, the directors of MSN. We would like to sincerely apologize for the interruption, but msn is closing down. We know many of these messages have been sent out lately, and that they wouldn't be true. However, this one is in fact true, and it will occur soon.
MSN will begin to charge you money soon. This is due to the fact that too many inconsiderate people are taking up all the names (ie. making up lots of different accounts for just one person). Therefore, we only have 578 names left. If you would like to close your account, DO NOT SEND THIS MESSAGE ON. We would not reccommend this, because if in the future you'd like to use MSN, and you don't send this message on, you will be CHARGED to use MSN monthly. If you would like to keep your account, then SEND THIS MESSAGE TO EVERYONE ON YOUR CONTACT LIST. As we said this before, this is no joke, and we will be shutting down the servers. Please send it on. We do not want to be receiving phone calls stating that your MSN will not open, or that you are being charged for using it - because this will be your fauly for not sending it on. The estimated cost for MSN monthly will be about ten dollars CAN.
ATTENTION. In case you believed this is yet another of those 'prank' MSN shut down emails, go to:
Once you've sent this message to at least 18 contacts, your msn icon will become blue.
Tara and John
(Directors and Operators of, Hotmail, Windows Live Hotmail, etc)
في الأول من شهر نوفمبر سنضطر إلى دفع أموال مقابل البقاء كأعضاء
ومشاركين في الماسنجر .. هذه ليست مزحة وإن لم تصدقوا اذهبوا إلى موقع الماسنجر ( وتأكدوا .. وإذا أردتم التغلب على هذا الشيء .. عليكم بإرسال هذه الرسالة إلى 18من المضافين إليك وأكثر .. فسوف تلاحظ أن رجل الماسنجر سيتحول إلى اللون الأزرق ..انشر من فضلك للمنفعة
بسبب الاندفاع المفاجئ للناس بالاشتراك بخدمات 'الهوتميل'، نعتقد أن اغلب
العناوين البريدية بلا مصادر. لذا، خلال شهر واحد فقط، سيتم حذف أي عنوان بريد
الكتروني (إيميل) لم يستلم هذه الرسالة التحذيرية. رجاء أرسل هذا البريد
الإلكتروني لكي نتأكد من أنك ما زلت تستعمل هذا الحساب. نسعى من خلال ذلك
للكشف عن المستخدمين الحقيقيين 'للهوتميل'. لذا إن كنت لا تزال تستخدم حسابك
في الهوتميل قم بإرسال هذه الرسالة الى كل مستخدم للهوتميل تعرفه وإلا فسيتم
إلغاء حسابك من خدمات الهوتميل. السّيد جون هينيرد
إدارة هوتميل
أنظمة خدماتنا تأخذ بالازدحام! لذا عليك إرسال هذه الرسالة إلى عشرين20
مستخدم على الأقل. بالرغم من أن هذا العدد يبدو كبيراً إلا أننا بحاجة لمعرفة
المستخدمين الحقيقيين لخدمات 'الهوتميل'. في حال امتناعك عن إرسال هذه الرسالة
التحذيرية لأكثر من عشرة (10) أشخاص سيتم إلغاء حسابك في 'الهوتميل'. ومعذرة على الإزعاج. الرجاء القيام بذلك وإلا فسيتم إلغاء اشتراكات أغلب أصدقاءك، كما لا يحق لك إرسال الرسالة للشخص الذي قام بإرسالها لك.
مدير خدمات 'هوتميل' هارون لوبيز
smells like BS
gudnite :) have sweet dreams
MaY Allah Bless You
All praise to the AlMighty...good night.
Ramadan on its Way.......:)
no Alhamdullilah i m happy to have Niece
gr8..mashallah..i think u would love to have nephew..I dont know y..but females like nephews more and males like niece more.
Ramadan on its Way.......:)
na ... only cute niece
no nephews?
Ramadan on its Way.......:)
Am lost here.....dont understand am off....
my niece also loves kitties....
Plz no kattis I like only Kitties.
Ramadan on its Way.......:)
ap se b ho jaon?
why cry..when u made katti :/
Ramadan on its Way.......:)
:( muhamad i m CRYING...
ur last comment made me laugh like hell...dont worry dangerousbeena...junk people are brilliant people :)
Ramadan on its Way.......:)
owein... owein....very bad jao main baat nahi kerte.. kattiii
admiring you praising you khush hona chaheye thumay :D
Was getting scared there......
Darude...MSN is my other QL
wait wait wait drude wot do you mean by junk people get junk emails?
you thought but you were not sure. Be sure first :D
only junk ppl get junk emails not ppl like us me you and that one to be and not to be friend raj
dangerous, i thought i was an orphan!
lolz dont worry manyana.. its juss a junk mail
Qatar living . com where else lady :?
What, where, when ,who??????....hope its not true, how am i going to communicate?????...
hold on hold on to your heart
why scared?
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
flanostu my BROTHER... where have u ben...? LOLZ
maybe long lost cousin, didn't know i had family in this part of the world.
yea looks same is she your sis ;D
dangerousbeena, nice eye make-up.
umm no m not actually discussing my problem.. it happening not only with me.. bloody hackers are out there who get the ids from these kinda junk mails... how stupid they are ,have lot of time to waste
take care..have security tools installed on ur pc and have ur password with both letters and digits.
Dont worry..dont keep ur problems within u ...u can say here and sure our family members will help u.
Ramadan on its Way.......:)
anhan thanx... i m really fed up of these mails.. waste of time i regularly signin my account there are only 5-6 that are from my friends or work related and all the other 10-15 are spams or junk... wots the use of these services.. ? also my hotmail got hacked 2 times. and got so many problems.. :(
Its spam. recieved many stating other companies ..the spammers just take out for example facebook and then add msn.Th motto behind this is just to create a big chain of junk.
Ramadan on its Way.......:)
Na Kuriye
there aint no such email and they wont close.