need help regarding bank loan
i left qatar over a year ago. i have a bank loan. now i want to pay my loan in order for me to go back there. i don't know how to pay it or if its still possible for me to go back regarding my bank loan status. i need help!!! i am really willing and able to pay now i just don't know how to begin. thanks!
How noble of you to want to repay your bank loan after running away knowing your commitment you left behind. Now you want to repay it because you want to come back to Qatar not because of your obligation. Too bad you did not realize when you left that you needed to come back one day. It’s because of people like you that many good people are restricted from financial assistance. Bravo!!!
hi....check ur inbox....plz
i have a msg for u
I don’t think you have any chances to get away with it after what you did.
After all it’s a crime to run away for 1 year without paying your loan.
Did you try contacting the bank!?!?!?!
and find out the status of your case.
If the bank has already filed a complaint against you must probably there is a pending court action and it is not advisable to come to Qatar. Instead talk to them, set up a paymet plan, stick to it, get advice to clear your case from court and then after everything has been clarified go ahead and come back.