Rest In Peace, Leslie Nielsen
We would like to show our deepest condolences to the Nielsen family as they lost one of the greatest men in history, a great actor who became the idol of too many people. R.I.P
RIP Leslie!
You really took that dead-pan humor to a high art form; sometimes, I almost fell off my seat, laughing.
You really WILL be missed!
P.S.: Can I have the "full-body" condom?
Surely you can't be serious? I am serious, and stop calling me surely.
I remember him in "Dracula: Dead and Loving it" ...
Loved the film. It was a bad time to give up drugs ...
Airplane! Was his best.
He was a funny guy, even in person.
Surely, he will be missed. Rest in Peace ..
Loved him when he threw Barbara Bush over the balconey ..
:( he had a movie planned for 2011, this man's a legend, may his soul rest in peace :(
He was a funny guy... RIP!!!
may his soul rest in peace...
rest in peace.. mr. naked gun.