Traffic Department, here is the Traffic Solution
Every year over 125,000 new vehicles are hitting Doha's limited roads, thus clogging the already clogged roads, with no solid solution at hand. Here is however the solid easy and workable solution.
Over 80% of the new vehicles (100,000 per year) are rolled out via very very easy bank's auto loans, as the bank's are allowing car loans to everyone that are having even small salary for a period of four years. If the traffic department could request Qatar Central Bank to reduce the period of auto loan from four years to two years temporarily, the Debt Service Ratio (DSR) of above small car loans that are estimated to be around half million, would go up, which would automatically not allow the banks to give uncontrolled huge numbers of small car loans, thus effectively blocking the new vehicle inflows on Doha roads. All auto loans are subject to remain within the DSR already put up by the QCB which is currently perhaps 50%, The reduction in loan tenor would increase this DSR to over 50% which would bar the banks to extend mushrooming small amount auto loans. A sitting with Qatar Central Bank would definitely solve this problem VERY EASILY until Metro system starts operations in the next five years.
That won't work...ppl will just start driving used/poorly maintained cars
If u want less cars on the road u have to start providing other alternatives to driving and make driving singlehandedly more costly. My suggestions are:
1) Setup some toll ways on strategic streets.
2) Provide HOV (i.e. High Occupancy Vehicle) lanes preferably for cars with 3+ passengers to encourage carpooling.
3) Add other forms of public transportation besides buses...understandably that’s underway already.
4) Setup a "minimum" speed limit not just a maximum and fine violators. Every morning I see some drivers who r doing 60 on the expressway with open road ahead!!!...I figure they r probably ppl who work in document delivery business and they don't get any incentives for getting there on time so they r trying to delay their trip cuz it means less work for them.
5) Start charging for parking....ppl who know they have to pay to take their own car will probably opt out and carpool or even stay at home.
Traffic police would certainly fix a lot of the problems. With no rules, there will always be unruliness. How most of these people can pass a driving test is beyond my comprehension. This helped Dubai traffic caused by idiot driving.
Two year car loan for a person having salary of less than 10,000. Result is guaranteed.
The roads are not going to increase and on the contrary the number of cars are increasing with each passing year, the solution is either to increase the roads which is unlikely, or decrease the number of new cars hitting the roads. The Banks are primarily responsible for giving car loans to virtually every one, because they want to earn interest on these very safe loans. The car loans are estimated to be more than half million, they are the main reason of road clogging. If they allow loans for only two years, the installment would automatically go up, which would cut out so many thousands from the queue looking for new cars.
The answer is simple. Only allow locals to drive cars. Expats should be housed in communities near their place of work.
I'm not getting the logic!
All these moves of cutting down the number of cars on road lead by the most discrimintive law that bans the driving liscence for the low profile jobs. Instead, the alternative eefective transportation will automatically phase the use of cars out.