U r Stupid :i
"You are Stupid" This was the word said to me by my manager in yesterday meeting, Never in my life I have taken this words but I had to take it yesterday not because I am One but I got my own financial crisis.
Now I have burdened myself with the thought of that word which constantly is running in my mind. I just wanted to vent my anger and frustration as I have no one else to talk to and ofcourse I cant talk about this back home :(
Thank you for reading (Listening)
I have started giving bamboo to him now :P
Go on .. do it buddy so that he treats others with more respect in future or you might find him employing and promoting his brother in law, friends and relatives and enriching himself along the way while he contiues demoralizing you and might even get you out of the way in the name of recession.
I wish I could :p
Make a funny ID email....cut copy paste this post and email to ur Bosss....He will come to know how famous he is after his golden words.....heeeeee heeee
When things go right and its times for the awards, rewards and bonuses its always the manager who takes the credit and does not want to share them with anyone but when things go wrong this very manager is always the first one to blame the guys below for what has gone wrong due to his shortcomings
Acadian, stealing work exactly :P it has happened :)
I agree with Good old Joe
And these types of managers are from all nationalities. West as much as East and Asia. The boss needs to fart in order for them to breathe! The sad thin g is they steal the credit of the work from people and blame everyone else for their failures
The managers out here are not really known for being smart people and most may have been coconut sellers back home but when they turn up here they suddenly find themselves as managers and most probably are relatives or friends of the senior guys. He calling you stupid in public in your work place tells a lot about this manager and which gutter he actually comes from. I have known of companies where this type of managers hung on to their positions by licking up to the guys above them
Your manager must be really stupid to say such a thing. Wonder if he is really qualified to be a manager. You should'nt mind such people.
I am overwhelmed :) and yes I am not stupid and definetely unhuman to respond back in a meeting just bcz he was much older than me and I dnt him to feel what I felt :)
calling by one doesn’t matter man u know wht you are ,if many call u like that than u have to think..
watch "horrible bosses" and u'll know what to do next..
everybody is fool baby! he can tell this to u but u cannot...anyhow he is not manager.
everybody is fool baby! he can tell this to u but u cannot...anyhow he is not manager.
ohh I am sorry this happened to you, such an offense and this manager showed no restraint... just try not to let it keep you down!
i hear this words everyday from where i work, and yes it is very degrading and much more humiliating when said to you in front of another person much more in a meeting, this is not who you are... this is what ur manager thinks you are and the best thing to do is prove him wrong, shug off his bad mouthing you and move on, think of it as a challenge for you to show him how really good you can be with or without ur boss... this is exactly the reason why the brain is way up from the mouth coz ur boss did not use his brain before his mouth opened... just do youre best and best of luck...
I have not read many of the comments above, but I empathize with you.Its so unbearable to be in a position to hear something and not be able to respond. I am really hurt for this.I pray you shall be in a better position soon, and if you want to find some solution to your problems call me, maybe I will be able to help, work out something. Take Care Brother!
I have not read many of the comments above, but I empathize with you.Its so unbearable to be in a position to hear something and not be able to respond. I am really hurt for this.I pray you shall be in a better position soon, and if you want to find some solution to your problems call me, maybe I will be able to help, work out something. Take Care Brother!
Why did this person (I won't call them a manager) call you stupid?
Dont judges urself based on other's comments buddy because nobody knows u other than u as u were spending each of ur second till now with urself."I love criticism just so long as it's unqualified praise."Watch one time "The pursuit of Happiness" you will find a boost in u dude.
That is rather unprofessional of your manager. If he did that in front of the client he has only undermined the company.
Any manager who Degrades his colleagues ain't worth to be a leader. Try to work on your shortcomings, if any and impress your boss. If his/her attitude does not change time to switch jobs - you will not perform well if you do not respect your boss.
where is he from?
If a manager says this to an employee, he should not be a manager.
Yeah sure no one had the right to tell you that... but you didn't answer the question... Are you?
Every one said alot.. Wat I will say more...
I feel he is stupid, if he call his employee stupid, dnt give a damn to his comments
But I sure have told alot of bosses they are stupid...
we all have been guilty of saying these painful things,alot of what we say is probably best is left unsaid.
tinker and reason of smile --point noted and trust me its a great point for me to relax actually now I am feeling great and laughing at the incidence :P
Thanks for all the encouraging words @ sambs Pubicily bahing :P have u read my post clearly, and whatever the issue might be, noone hs got a license to degrade a human next to you
Anyone remember?
this is why god gave us 2 ears..forget it and go on...
Take it very easy boss - These are words normally spelled while anger talks happen .Dont think for any inner meaning pls.Guys here in this forum are all trying to screw you up or such a small issue .As a manager he is supposed to care his words but since he said it you most comfort yourself thinking he was not in a good mood the time you met .You are not a stupid - Are you , then why worry sweet ???There are more harsh words used while such meeting and discussions go onn but never give much importance to this - just hear and forget the next moment
By him saying that actually tells you his qualifications as a manager. Bottom line! You know who you are and what you have to contribute to others. If he cannot see that it’s his loss not yours. So long as you believe in yourself you will succeed. By not reacting to his insecurity you proved yourself a better man. Well Done
U r so brilliant to hande the situations...
1- His Mom called him stupid so he called u too...2- His wife slapped him and he called u stupid3- His higher boss said these words to him and he passed on to u Feel light for urself and feel pity for him that he cant control his words...
I am Feeling good know :) thanks enigma and mom me.
oh poor guy
A manager is supposed to be high on EQ (emotional quotient) and a team player and above all never the dampen the spirits of subordinates. I am sorry you had to hear all this.
I know I was an Hr Earlier and unexpected things made me land in this company :( Its okie enjoy ur weekend :)
your bos is not real manager. a manager should have ability to thread staff with good personnal approach what ever situation.One sugestion try just talk to somebody u believe to release your felt.
Thanks a Lot :) It just when he said that I confronted but Alas \, Yup its better to forget but it hurted me , I am learning new things :)
Thanks Brit and Tinker
he's not a very good manager if he actually said that - especially in a meeting.
Forget about it.. its not worth the tension..