Vacation formalities in qatar
By naiyerharoon •
I am working in UAE and here we use to keep passport with us along with work permir card. If i want to go vacation from UAE, in UAE if i want to go my home India, same time i can buy ticket and go to India, no any vacation visa is required. Once i reach India within six month should land back to UAE.
When i was in Saudi Arabia, there every vacation time a seperate visa was required for specific duration.
Can someone suggest me what is system at Qatar, if someone want to go vacation. Is it same as UAE or Saudi or different.
I am going to join QP soon.
before you go on vacation you need an "exit permit" from your sponsor. what i know there are two types of exit permit, one is the single exit permit that you can only use once, the other is a "multiple exit permit". but the multiple exit permit are only given to few people who really needs it.
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You can go on vacation with the approval of the co. Only thing is that, u have to get an exit permit from the employer. Yes the Visa duration is 4 six months as it is in UAE. Once u get an exit permit from ur employer, you can go anywhere in the world from Qatar.