Violence at scools
By swissgirl39 •
Does it happen also in Qatar?
Just watched a debate about it on TV.
Here in Europe it is a big problem.
And one of Germans famoust Teenager Magazine started a campain which is called DONT LOOK AWAY!They have the full support of some famous singers/actors.
Yet i am asking myself if it is the same in Qatar and the Middle East.
What kind of experiences do you made with your kids in scool?
Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological. Most children know when there's bullying, but they dont report it.
Yep, particularly the local boys' schools.
Yeah teaching in local schools is like training circus animals
One of my friends is a teacher in one of the local schools, and he told me there is a troubles sometimes, but I never heard of any troubles in any international school here.
not so much in my son's school .... if there is any incidents, it is very small percentage.
Yes, it does exist in Qatari schools, as does same-gender sexual assault.