What does "Western Style" mean exactly?

Manna Pro
By Manna Pro

While looking at everything from houseing to furnishings, and even to food I see the term "Western Style" often used in description. I take it to be synonymous with modern, updated, new and improved, better, regular or normal.

I'm I right?

By Moderator• 14 May 2012 19:14

It's going nowhere.

By Manna Pro• 14 May 2012 19:13
Manna Pro

I just took this video from the man cave: The birds are chirpiling on the continental divide this morning..I'm gonna lift some weights out in the sun with my kid then were going to the park to get in a pick up (basketball)game thats going there every afternoon..

My 16 year old kid has already been offered golf and basketball scholarships from numerous big D1 schools


By azilana7037• 14 May 2012 18:48

gut feel he's around here somewhere....hmmmm :?

By Manna Pro• 14 May 2012 18:32
Manna Pro

Attention Everyone!: I live in Las Vegas and in the Exclusive Foothills just outside of Denver. Here is a picture of yesterdays mail and newspaper. I haven't got todays paper because my driveway is a half mile long, I'll run down there later. I was born and raised in America, my parents were born an raised in America, and thier parents were born and raised in America. I am an American! This is the last time I revisit this subject

Proof- Click on the picture to expand it


By Xena• 14 May 2012 09:53

get rid of one and another pops up!!!!


Actually, when you think about it... MP could be a westernised version of MP... they are both so very full of themselves!!!

By Xena• 14 May 2012 09:52

get rid of one and another pops up!!!!


By nomerci• 11 May 2012 11:52

Bull, you are as European as I am Italian..rofl!

By timebandit• 11 May 2012 09:08

MP you had nothing more to worry about with me. There was no need to threaten me. I was off your case anyway. Carry on you. QL is for everyone including you and I. We use it in different ways. You use it your way and I will use it mine, and never again will the twain meet.

I will never comment in a thread where you post again. So knock yourself out big guy and have fun.

By Translator• 11 May 2012 07:51

This thread just won Mann Pro the "Most Hijacked Author " award. Well done. Please start another thread, before we go page 3

By Manna Pro• 11 May 2012 03:14
Manna Pro

I was playing for fun and drinking beer-

By LostInSpace• 11 May 2012 03:02

A 69 around Foothills is nothing to write home about, I have been around there in 63! and what makes it even more amazing is that a carded that score without a putter!

By bOnEcRakcer• 11 May 2012 02:54

so funny how each and everyone fights virtually:)). Everything is now cyber. . . .Crazy:D

By LostInSpace• 11 May 2012 02:54

You are undoubtedly the finest form of man currently residing on this earth, I tip my hat to you Sir!

By Manna Pro• 11 May 2012 02:52
Manna Pro

It was a ligitimate business..

And trust me The plumbing supply business is brutal. I did'nt become the best salesman in the entire Western Region by being scared and weak. I had to scatch and claw my way to the top

By Manna Pro• 11 May 2012 02:49
Manna Pro

"I am really concerned about the fact that you post pictures of your daughter frequently on this site

You are coming to a savage country, Bull, where people are thugs, think nothing of kid-napping beautiful blonde haired women, who are then taken off harams in the desert and are never seen or heard from again..."


First off all, my daughters picture (The strawberry girl) has been on numerous magazine covers, 100 different giant bill boards in Vegas, she's appeared in a reality show and about 15 movies. Everyone knows her! And secondly..I spent my first 35 years in Chicago where they have more murders in a weekend that Qatar has all year. LOL- Doha is candy compared to the west and south sides of Chicago. I used to go into Cabrini Green and the Robert Taylor Homes every week to collect money, that was like going into the primate house at the Zoo, the cops wouldn't even go in there. I live in a dog eat dog world and your outta your mind if you think I'm gonna be scared of anything in Qatar.

Are you just trying to get my attention Xena, cause if you are, you're doin a great job

By LostInSpace• 11 May 2012 02:43

You used to go and collect money??!!?? a golfing gangster on his way to Qatar!

By Manna Pro• 11 May 2012 02:34
Rating: 3/5
Manna Pro

*See mods note at bottom.

I only got through about 20 of the 100 or so new postings..I'll catch up later, I'm just home for dinner. My x wife made me my favorite food, USDA Certified PRIME Rib so I felt obligated to come home and eat it.

I got a 69 at Foothills GC, and a 67 at Evergreen Golf Course near my house today. I'm on top of my game right now friends.

I just wanna say one thing to TimeBandit: You are about this close (pinching my fingers right now) to being on my s**t list, and thats a place nobody wants to be- and if you don't believe me, ask Lil Nando

You might want to put your s**t in reverse my friend

You are being warned

Mods note: Please do not WARN anyone on QL as that can be construed as a threat.

By Manna Pro• 11 May 2012 02:01
Manna Pro

How I'm I gonna dispel these vicious rumors that are swirling around that I'm British or European?

Say what you want about me, but don't say that. I'm very proud of my ancestry

By britexpat• 11 May 2012 01:06

Reminds me of the Architect who has his house maid backwards so he could watch television ..

By LostInSpace• 10 May 2012 22:59

Take it with a pinch of salt people, funny posts and getting on eveyones nerves without actually being offensive, thumbs up to him! :0P

By nomerci• 10 May 2012 22:53

Blue Bull, that is also not the point. But anyhow, does not matter.

By BlueBull• 10 May 2012 22:37
Rating: 2/5

nomerci - There's nothing to deal with about Bull. He'ss just another QL ID. Not unlike most of us here.

Our QL identity does not necessarily reflect our own and most importantly,it's not as important for some as it is for others.

By nomerci• 10 May 2012 22:28

Blue Bull, of course not. But the point is not if or if not he is real.

The point is how we deal with this persona, fictional or not.

By BlueBull• 10 May 2012 21:28

Bull - Whoever you are,a real person or a virtual id of someone else,know that you have a real admirer in me. I admire you for your perseverance and your ability to take so much negative comments and still get all the attention you crave so much for ;) To add to this,you never seem to get too angry or irritated at even the worst of comments by QLers.

That's a real achievement buddy. Good Job!

By BlueBull• 10 May 2012 21:23

nomerci - " He has (or pretends to) all that every man wants. Looks, money , success, women. And he throws it into everybody's face."

Read more: http://qatarliving.com/node/2932969?page=1#ixzz1uUaF5Z3r

Seriously??? Do you really think he is a true real and character? Inspite of Timebandit proving with the timelines and his lies behind his photographs!!

TB - Iám seriously impressed with your detective work :)

By asterix---• 10 May 2012 19:01

Feel like Dancing now.... ;)

By azilana7037• 10 May 2012 18:56

as he's the center of attention and (dis)attraction.

By Missteacher• 10 May 2012 18:02

Insecurity & paranoia jeez!!

By snessy• 10 May 2012 14:37

I do like a good backside Tinkerbell :-)

By snessy• 10 May 2012 14:34

Who kissing whose a r s e? I wanna watch!

By nomerci• 10 May 2012 14:29

Well, obviously Miss teacher is in good company ;)

By asterix---• 10 May 2012 14:28

MT, insecurity is the way of thinking these days...

By Prism• 10 May 2012 14:28

CL...I am absolutely serious.

By Captain_Lost• 10 May 2012 14:27

haha Prism.. seriously?? is that true??

By FathimaH• 10 May 2012 14:25

I didn't vote you as "most peaceful" QLer for nuffing!

By Prism• 10 May 2012 14:25

Careful MT and CL...your accounts may get deleted!!!

By asterix---• 10 May 2012 14:24

I Thought you went crying to your Mama....

By Captain_Lost• 10 May 2012 14:23

ROFL.. MT.. I agree !!!

By snessy• 10 May 2012 14:23

Totally agree FathimaH - I can count the number of times I've responded to Bull's posts on one hand, WHY? Because I don't find him offensive.

By FathimaH• 10 May 2012 14:22

such is QL!

By timebandit• 10 May 2012 14:20

Ok ladies, he is all yours. Have him. I will just avoid his threads from now on.

By Miss Mimi• 10 May 2012 14:19
Miss Mimi

Agree Fatima. I find him pretty harmless. But as I said, I'm not really reading too deeply into his posts, rather just answering his questions where possible. Who knows, maybe someday someone will actually wonder if they can get hardwood floors in Qatar, and the answer will be here so they won't have to ask and get berated.

By nomerci• 10 May 2012 14:18

And who, miss teacher, is doing that?

IF you mean me, just say it.

And IF you do mean me, I must tell you that you have not understood a single thing I posted.

By FathimaH• 10 May 2012 14:16

I find people like Bull far easier to tolerate than those who whilst don't brag about themselves directly, go out of their way instead to be nasty to others, pinpointing all their faults, and looking down on them. The guy maybe larger than life BUT he is harmless and quite amusing.

By Rizks• 10 May 2012 14:10

Lols MT !

By Missteacher• 10 May 2012 14:09

Lol people have got to make their mind! One minute some of you are slating the guy then the next the same people are kissing his a r s e!!

Insecurity is a demon.

By nomerci• 10 May 2012 14:03

TB, try to think a little out of the box...trust me, you'll make amazing discoveries.

By timebandit• 10 May 2012 14:01

He is the kid in the playground who feels the only way to connect with the rest of the kids, is to tell them how great he is, and brag about what he has. At first he will get the attention he seeks. But then the kids will find him out. The lies start to become unveiled, and one by one the kids want nothing to do with him. And in fact they will use all that he has said to poke fun at him.

By nomerci• 10 May 2012 14:00

Mimi, EXACTLY!!!

By Captain_Lost• 10 May 2012 14:00

here comes the DEFENSE "Again"...LOL

By Mandilulur• 10 May 2012 13:59

He's the big kid in your grade school class who jumps up and down and gets all the attention. You tolerate him because he's funny and a distraction. His attraction is that he doesn't know when to stop.


By Miss Mimi• 10 May 2012 13:58
Miss Mimi

I have the world. That's why he doesn't bother me. ;)

By nomerci• 10 May 2012 13:55

Well timebandit, I think instead of becoming nauseous, we need to study this guy...what is he doing what others(less successful) are not doing?

He must think in a certain way to achieve what he has. He must do things in a certain way.

Obviously it is not the way most people think and act.

So, what is there to ponder?

Anyway...just sayin'.

By timebandit• 10 May 2012 13:52

Especially when I think someone is FOS.

By timebandit• 10 May 2012 13:51

Good luck to anyone who has the world NM. But brag about it over and over again, and I am going to become nauseousness.

By Mandilulur• 10 May 2012 13:46

Yeah, but she didn't just get death threats on QL. Although she published her "rant" on QL, her full name, place of employment and mobile number were sent all over Doha. Essentially she had to go into hiding and left her job. It was damn scary, believe me.


By nomerci• 10 May 2012 13:44

Timebandit, I think it is time to analyze why exactly he draws so much flak...why do people feel so bad about him...really?

See, this guy is smart...he pushes all the right buttons. With the right people.

He has (or pretends to) all that every man wants. Looks, money , success, women. And he throws it into everybody's face.

Now, tell me this...why aren't people happy for him having such a great life?

Hmmmm ?

By FathimaH• 10 May 2012 13:41

Seriously? That's sad! Guess we all gotta watch what we post then *shudders*

By timebandit• 10 May 2012 13:38

OMG! Nomerci could you imagine living next door to this guy, or working with him. No wonder he is spending so much time on QL telling us about himself and how great he is, I don't think he has anyone left in the real world who can tolerate being around him for more than a second.

I have never seen such a unified dislike of an ID here on QL before. Even those who gave him the benefit of doubt in the beginning have turned on him.

Normally I wait for others to deal with idiots like this, but on this occasion I couldn't wait.

By Miss Mimi• 10 May 2012 13:37
Rating: 2/5
Miss Mimi

Fatima, PM stood for Peaceful Muslimah, she was an older poster here, a lot like you in how she spoke, but she wrote a thread about Qatari's acting a little crazy during their National Day and ended up drawing a lot of negative attention to the site, to the point of her getting death threats (but then who hasn't received death threats on QL, I've got like 5 in my inbox as we speak :p) and the Mod's banned her and I believe she had to leave Qatar.

By Miss Mimi• 10 May 2012 13:34
Miss Mimi

I really don't see what he annoys people so much....Perhaps I need to pay more attention to his posts. :S

By FathimaH• 10 May 2012 13:34

But who was PM and who did she threaten?

By Mandilulur• 10 May 2012 13:32

TB, you just CAN'T threaten someone here. It's too creepy. Look what happened to PM.


By nomerci• 10 May 2012 13:32

Timebandit, I wonder why? There have been , and are, MANY irritating characters on QL, in fact, many who are downright mean and nasty to others...albeit not of the nationality Bull is pretending to be of....and yet...Bull is the only one I have ever seen you go after. He has not been mean to anybody at all, has not broken any rules either.

So...what then?

By snessy• 10 May 2012 13:28

LOL TB, he's a lot easier to tolerate than the bigots on here...

By timebandit• 10 May 2012 13:26

Fathima how many times do you see me go after anyone here on QL? This guy deserves all he gets. He has been irritating me so much that I just can't be nice about it anymore.

By FathimaH• 10 May 2012 13:21

All he wanted to know was "what does western style mean" and he gets a soap opera!

By timebandit• 10 May 2012 13:12

Me neither snessy, but I may tip off customs that he has swallowed some small drug parcels to smuggle them in. And I am not talking orally here. That should ensure a nice warm welcome when he arrives. He may want to bring his own lubricating gel just in case they don't have any.

By snessy• 10 May 2012 12:59

I'm going to welcome him at the airport, I'm not angry.

By FathimaH• 10 May 2012 12:58

Mr bull here certainly can draw a crowd..or should that be an angry mob?

By Prism• 10 May 2012 12:57

May be Mandi plays Manna Pro during day time...:)

By flor1212• 10 May 2012 12:51

apologizing! Lol!

By timebandit• 10 May 2012 12:40

Where is Mandi? I can't believe she is not here defending him.

By GodFather.• 10 May 2012 12:30

The mystery goes on about this Manna Pro, who ever he is, but some times he is funny.

By snessy• 10 May 2012 12:24

LOL CL...that picture is quite apt for quite a few QLers ;-)

By Xena• 10 May 2012 12:23
Rating: 2/5

you will find this -

Manna Pro said Hey Nomercie ...

I'm here a week and i'm already talkin Qatar politics..

I'm assimiliating!

At this rate i'll be speaking basic Arabic by July..

Masha Allah!



Wed, 02/05/2012 - 6:22pm

Read more: http://www.qatarliving.com/node/2898875#new#ixzz1uSOjBQdM

Now whether this means "here" in Qatar or "here" on QL... I have no clue;-)

By Khanan• 10 May 2012 12:23

truth is ??

Is he :

-A troll

-A dumba$$

-Old QLer with another ID

-or himself in reality..A 50 year old Yankee

By GodFather.• 10 May 2012 12:21

I will not be there in person but there will lots of people gathered there, you can join them.

By nomerci• 10 May 2012 12:18

Bull, I have nothing against you. But it's time you show your true colours...and they ain't red, white and blue.

By alien_guest• 10 May 2012 12:17

Well thats for all your comments Guys n Gal ..... UKENG How will i regognise you there??

By nomerci• 10 May 2012 12:16

Khanan, not talking against, just getting down to the truth.

By Rizks• 10 May 2012 12:14

UkEng arent you going to Dukhan on Friday ? :)

By flor1212• 10 May 2012 12:12

tsk tsk tsk!

By alien_guest• 10 May 2012 12:10

LOL Sneey looking forward to your warm welcome .....

By GodFather.• 10 May 2012 12:09

AG if you free then meet tomorrow after the Friday Prayer in the National Area!

By Captain_Lost• 10 May 2012 12:09
Rating: 3/5

And I'll be there next to you with this sign....

By alien_guest• 10 May 2012 12:07

Very well people will start by the 8 ball tournament.....

By Prism• 10 May 2012 12:04


By snessy• 10 May 2012 12:04

I'll be waiting at Doha airport with a sign welcoming him...

By Captain_Lost• 10 May 2012 12:03

Yeah Alien.. there's 8-Ball tournament .. starting at 7.. today is the elimination round .. please join us and get "eliminated" :p

And stop advertising your thread on QL ..LOL :P

By alien_guest• 10 May 2012 12:01

Well tinker i am still new to QL dont really know if people will take too kindly to a random request that my problem

By GodFather.• 10 May 2012 11:57

If he is still in the US as he claims then according to my calculations it's like middle of the night there so he should be sleeping.

By Xena• 10 May 2012 11:56

Deadly serious;-p

By Captain_Lost• 10 May 2012 11:54

Xena... I dont think he's ever gonna come here now !!

By Prism• 10 May 2012 11:53

Khanan...I repeat after u...u said it...:)

By alien_guest• 10 May 2012 11:53

UMMM...People i think MP is gone now and ya Xena that was good advice he must not post pics of his daughter.

By Prism• 10 May 2012 11:53

Is this serious or in the same tone as the OP:

"You are coming to a savage country, Bull, where people are thugs, think nothing of kid-napping beautiful blonde haired women, who are then taken off harams in the desert and are never seen or heard from again".

By Khanan• 10 May 2012 11:50

some people changing their sides now..intially thrilled by his Grand Arrival are now speaking against him...

LOL :)

By Khanan• 10 May 2012 11:46


you said it :):)

By timebandit• 10 May 2012 11:44

He keeps threatening to leave but never does. He is probably the biggest DRAMA QUEEN I have ever come across on QL. And boy have there been some drama queens on here before.

He is so sensitive I am beginning to question how much testosterone there actually is in him. It wouldn't surprise me if he goes crying to his mom again, and we get another post from her telling us all how insensitive we are.

By Translator• 10 May 2012 11:43

Xena, what a wise advice. We are lucky to have people like you here.

By Xena• 10 May 2012 11:35
Rating: 5/5

I am really concerned about the fact that you post pictures of your daughter frequently on this site.

Now I am sure you love your daughter and you are very proud of how lovely she is... but the fact is we have a number of, what shall we say, STRANGE people on this site who take great pleasure in using it for their own deranged purposes.

It has been known to happen that people post here about coming to visit, posting pics of themselves and then they disappear once arriving at the airport.... yes, they do actually clear customs, and then POOF!!! Gone - for a joyride in the desert;-)

You are coming to a savage country, Bull, where people are thugs, think nothing of kid-napping beautiful blonde haired women, who are then taken off harams in the desert and are never seen or heard from again...

I think you should stay at home with your daughter and keep her safe:-)

By timebandit• 10 May 2012 11:34

Here is something else to gnaw at you MP. By my calculations based on your previous images, this photo was taken on the 1st May not just now as you claim.

The photo of the newspaper (newspaper dated 20th April) according to the camera was taken 2009:01:06 12:42:48

The photo of the elephant was dated 2 days earlier 2009:01:04 07:39:56 which would make it 18th April

The photo you took just now is dated 2009:01:17 10:28:32 which would make it 1st of May not the 10th of May.

Or am I just confused?

By hardybuck• 10 May 2012 11:15

That car is sick,

I've been in a db9 and those impreza's are way more of a thrill, they cling to the road, I'd pick handling over top speed anyday. One day ill have one. one day. (may not be a prodrive or sti, 1995 wrx are still beasts.

By timebandit• 10 May 2012 11:11

MP said "I've never been so insulted in all my life Nomercie..I intilially laughed off your comments but suprisingly they are starting to gnaw at me now"

Well done girl! It's about time someone started to gnaw at him the way he has been gnawing away at us.

By cherukkan• 10 May 2012 10:58

Come on guys, why are you getting into shadow fighting?

By Captain_Lost• 10 May 2012 09:01

Is she single?? ;)

By Wireless Brain• 10 May 2012 08:54
Wireless Brain

And tired of DOG then KIDS

By Lucky Luciano• 10 May 2012 08:30
Lucky Luciano

Western - Use Toilet Paper to wipe out the shxt instead of using water to clean the back side after the job is completed. :)

By Translator• 10 May 2012 08:26
Rating: 4/5

Simple Manna. Western style to Qatar refers to the way things look like in Europe. To you Manna, it means the way things look like in Japan. Look westward, you will see.

By Missteacher• 10 May 2012 08:21
Rating: 4/5

I would take western style to be 'more advanced'.

By bilber• 10 May 2012 08:09
Rating: 5/5

western style means it's expensive...don't even try to ask if you can't afford it.

By Miss Mimi• 10 May 2012 08:08
Rating: 4/5
Miss Mimi

Western style just means open plan. Arabs prefer having a separate kitchen, majilis area and living room, whereas Westerners prefer having all of that in the same room more or less.

It also means there maybe space for a dishwasher as a lot of Arab houses just have their maids do the dishes.

By MarcoNandoz-01• 10 May 2012 07:47

MRST said helping what? What is ...

Helping what?

What is western?

A toilet you do not need to squat

(I don’t know where u doing your business MRST but in the Qatar I live in almost all villas/apartments have toilet seats in them)

A table so you don’t need to sit on the floor


Been here for 3 yrs ‘n yet haven’t come across a Villa that didn’t have tables or chairs to sit on.

A sofa so you don’t sit on the floor

Ridiculous to claim Qatar has sofas to sit on. So where u sitting on in ur own home? On the floor?

A bed so you don’t sleep on the floor

seriously now! lol I Hope this is a joke and you are being sarcastic!

I guess also some Items in the kitchen so you do not need to make a fire

And a A/C when it gets hot

Now I know you live in the African Sahara not Qatar.


By zek_823• 10 May 2012 07:21

WOW MOZ so this means you are a towel-headed bomb-slinging smelly camel herder? Or just a plain biggot?

By Manna Pro• 10 May 2012 01:29
Manna Pro

Some silent movie actor or something?

By britexpat• 10 May 2012 01:14

Don't tell me that you're related to Audie Murphy ?

By Manna Pro• 10 May 2012 01:08
Manna Pro

Why don't you just tell me what it is? If you want me to go I'll leave you know? I certainly didn't come here to irritate you. I like you, remember?

By Manna Pro• 10 May 2012 00:55
Manna Pro

I've never been so insulted in all my life Nomercie..I intilially laughed off your comments but suprisingly they are starting to gnaw at me now..I'm not from The UK or Europe, and it really bothers me that anybody would think I am.....I'm an American!

I bleed Red White n Blue.

Why my great grandmother is half Cherokee Indian

By Manna Pro• 10 May 2012 00:41
Manna Pro

My entire family tree is littered with American war hero's. I love this country and raise the flag every morning on my ranch.

But I never claimed to be typical. Its a melting pot- There is no typical

By nomerci• 9 May 2012 23:52

Look, I don't care where you are from. What I DO care about is that you are making fun of Americans.

Having a little fun is fine...but being on a ME forum, with mostly people who do not have a particularly high opinion of Americans as it is around, and putting it on as thick as you do is pretty bad.

But hey...it's a free cyber world.

By nomerci• 9 May 2012 23:49

Ya, your nickname.

By Manna Pro• 9 May 2012 23:48
Manna Pro

In fact that was my nickname in college

"All American"

By Manna Pro• 9 May 2012 23:47
Manna Pro

You're being very helpful now

By anonymous• 9 May 2012 23:39
Rating: 4/5

expected technology and comfort at a lousy finishing or conditions or very dirty and for sure terrible service. try to get an AC fixed on a Thursday evening in your bedroom if you have 50'C or about 120 F.

you will end up camping in the living room for 2-3 nights

By nomerci• 9 May 2012 23:38

Yup, I am calling you out..you are not American.

No way. You might have a passport, but that's where it starts and ends.

I don't care...just sayin'.

By Manna Pro• 9 May 2012 23:34
Manna Pro

So- A Western Style means what we have here? Modern technology? It's kind of an odd way to describe it because aren't we east of Qatar?

By anonymous• 9 May 2012 23:32

helping what?

what is western?

a toilet you do not need to squat

a table so you dont need to sit on the floor

A sofa so you dont sit on the floor

A bed so you dont sleep on the floor

I guess also some Items in the kitchen so you do not nee to make a fire

and a A/C when it gets hot

I guess you have a elevator and if you are very lucky your entire furniture is not in pink or any other pastel colors loved by the subcontinent

By Manna Pro• 9 May 2012 23:28
Manna Pro

Everyone else thats not interested in helping me..Leave the thread now.

By Manna Pro• 9 May 2012 23:27
Manna Pro

Thank you, you are by far the best person here..And you know I was just joking about NancyLove25 right?

By Manna Pro• 9 May 2012 23:24
Manna Pro


I didn't come here to be called a liar, I don't need this

By Mandilulur• 9 May 2012 23:24
Rating: 4/5

Western-style means not "majlis" style. It means couches and coffee tables and dining room table and chairs and large appliances like a washer and dryer (not always found in Qatar).


By John Lalay• 9 May 2012 23:23
John Lalay

NM needs birth certificate!!!

why not to prove it?

By Manna Pro• 9 May 2012 23:22
Manna Pro

Everything on it is aftermarket..I built the car

By Manna Pro• 9 May 2012 23:21
Manna Pro

Born in Florida, raised in Chicago and live in the exclusive foothills outside of Denver-

By meme4r5• 9 May 2012 23:21

that Subaru has no more then 300hp tops, i think your misrepresented that.

By Manna Pro• 9 May 2012 23:20
Rating: 2/5
Manna Pro

I took that pic near Santa Barbra last week..She drives a Lexus.

By nomerci• 9 May 2012 23:18

You are not American, but you are doing your very best to make them look bad.

By anonymous• 9 May 2012 23:17

troll and BS you talking

By Manna Pro• 9 May 2012 23:14
Manna Pro

There's no class in system in America...Nobody judges anybody here. I was hanging around multi millionaires yesterday and today an unemployeed floor tiler is coming over later. We don't play that game here. If I like you, I don't care what you do.

I won't be participating in that pecking order thing you got going on over there..Who knows..I may spend most of my time with day laborers, street beggars and prostitutes if I like them better..

Oh teh horror!

By anonymous• 9 May 2012 23:09


the strawberries are larger than her b...

By John Lalay• 9 May 2012 22:58
John Lalay

hey wait,

U better place her full album on matrimonial website.

By anonymous• 9 May 2012 22:58
Rating: 2/5

honestly it might have a lot of horse power under the hood but looks like crap.. so dont show off

you have to learn what class and style is. better something smaller but sophisticated and elegant..

no one unless you have a very short pe...is and no money would drive a car like this

By anonymous• 9 May 2012 22:55

u must really think we give a crap...

chill out man, ur too loud

By Manna Pro• 9 May 2012 22:53
Manna Pro

You can make fun of Americans, you can make fun of my Ranch, or my dog, or even me. But don't make fun of my daughters car...OK?

Are you guys readin me loud n clear right now?

Thats off limits

By anonymous• 9 May 2012 22:53

looks like a taxi from the industrial zone.. hey Manna Pro Bull S you dont know yet but you will learn..

you MUST get her at least a small 4x4 Mitsubishi or Pajero if you are on the low end, if you are little better get her a X5...

so you better get your head right what cars ppl are driving here so if you are such a show off BS get her a X6 and shut up

By Manna Pro• 9 May 2012 22:48
Manna Pro

....I don't think anybodies beat her on these winding mountain roads. I went by her yesterday on 285 and it was like a yellow streak zooming by- I imeadiatly called her and told her to slow the F doWN!

By Manna Pro• 9 May 2012 22:42
Manna Pro

Here's my Western Style Daughter leaving the ranch to go get a passport. I just told her to go, now, today if she wants to visit me in Qatar. I just took these pic's, thats her 455 Horse Power car. I got her that for Christmas awhile ago..I told you she was a terror, but in reality she's only a terror about 1 week a month, she's very sweet and respectful the other 3 weeks..


By anonymous• 9 May 2012 22:40

what a lousy car you got your daughter..

shame on you

dont try this in Doha

By Missteacher• 9 May 2012 22:32

LOL.....all are true moz apart from the last one.

By anonymous• 9 May 2012 22:18
Rating: 4/5

It means bikini wearing, beer swilling, pork eating, god hating infidels

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