What good brand of baby vitamins?
Can you suggest a good brand of vitamins for my baby ( 1 1/2 yrs old) available in Doha? We brought his vitamins from our country but it was enough for 6 months and he has consumed it all. Im looking for a vitamin that can improve his appetite & sleep. I have tried Kiddie Pharmaton but i can't see any good effect.
i was going to suggest kiddipharmaton and see what others come up with. i give my son kiddi, but alhamdullilah i dont have a problem with his food habits.
however my daughter who is 15months old troubles me with her food tantrums, she is fine with oats, ragi and semolina that is individually or soemtimes combined cooked in milk.
very fussy about other foods.
i dont think multivitamins will help them sleep, have u tried giving a warm bath before bed, it works for one of my tinytot, but not that other.what a dilemma?
happy heart
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dont hav false ideas. vitamins should only be used as supplemments when there is or you suspect deficeincy. it wont help in sleep or improve appetite. you can try babyplex or babyvita if you want2 supplement.give adequate dose of vegatble and othet home made food and they contain all the necesery vitamins needed normally-ofcourse if there is deficency you can supplement.