Is it appropriate for men to wear shorts below the knee over the Holy month of Ramadan?
I am working here in Qatar for the next few months and have been told it is fine for me to wear shorts as I have been for the past few weeks. The shorts I wear are of the longer variety which come well below the knee but I am wanting advise as far as the Holy month of Ramadan is concerned. I have a strong desire to make sure I do not cause offense to anyone while I am here and would appreciate any direction in this.
Ramadan or no Ramadan, the shorts or short pants lower than knees and above ankle are THE lower garment all muslim men should wear all the time
Something between knee and ankles (mid shin) is perfect for even attending prayers in masjid.
So no issues if the short pants are lower then knees and are ending mid or lower mid of your shin.
Just for all muslim brothers, any lower garment lower than ankles is hell fire (NOT only in prayers) established from authentic hadidths.
Hope this helps
Nooo no problem with that!!!
Hameed FYI Qatar law is not just for Muslim its for everyone who resides here in their States so everyone should follow their law like dress code for Muslim and Non - Muslim. Police wont ask your religion if you'll be caught :P
Let me correct for you the information. I got a Memo from my company that if you were muslims or non-muslims, you will strictly adhere to the laws of Qatar during Ramadan or you will be severely punished. some of them:
1 - No eating drinking in Public whatsoever
2 - Dress code is a must during Ramadan for males and females
3 - No Alcohol
4 - No Swearing
5 - During Ramadan you should be careful in Driving since the people who fast would have less patience and thus more accidents.
These are as far as i remember.
Unless you plan running around in a pair of hot pants i think you'll be fine.
Thanks for your advice, most appreciated!!! DMP
I don't see any problem with wearing shorts running till below the knee... Male or female..
What you wear in Ramadan is no different to what you should wear for the rest of the year - dress modestly and decently.
Below knee shorts are fine.
I believe for me the covering should be "Navel to Knee"