Qatari womens party
By tara_thesouther... •
Hi there
I know I'm new to Qatar but I was invited to a Qatari party by a friend of mine. The guests will be from 18-28 years old.
She said wear a party dress for girls and pants for boys? But I'm a bit confused because its an all girls party.
Could anyone help me on what to expect? What should I wear? And what if no one talks to me or speaks english?
Whatever you wear, dress to kill....oh and buy anything that needs shades to comfortably look at.
--------------------- N.O.W --------------------------
aparently you have to use lots of perfume on yourself.hehehe well thats what i was told.. ive never been to one ..wish...hehe
my wifes been to a couple of them parties and she told me that they are fun to go to, cause it doesnt compare to any party youve evr been to as a western person. nice to have to really dress up because the women are always nicely dressed....
alsboy: "my" in french is "mon". "moi" is "me"
Yup, certainly... Wouldn't mind the trying part at all. Doesn't hurt, right? (Gosh, i am doing good so far, right?)
Hope, by now you must have understood my words. :) Just that i prefer writing them in short hand. Sorry, moi(thts 'my' in french) mistake.
How's things otherwise going with you, baldrick2dogs?
Alsboy, can you please try to communicate in English? I try to read your posts and they just give me a head ache :o(
Did you Google it first?
Der is nothing 2 worry abt it. All u need 2 do is get in2 sum formal wear, wher de top can b a party shirt and den end it with a formal pants. Even if u dont know how 2 speak arabic, u can always blend wit de food counter tht dey wud certainly hav. So, hav ur bite of de share and well... keep smiling at times. More over, i am sure u r bound 2 find atleast 1 person who speaks a bit of english. Else, de final step... carry ur Ipod nano and slip in de headsets when u know der is no other go :) Hav a gud time.